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Security Permissions on Documents

Documents are commonly used for documents reviews. Document reviews have employees read and acknowledge they have understood and read the document when they log into the Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP).

Some documents may only be applicable to employees within a specific department, or contain sensitive information that should not be viewed by anybody outside of a specific group of users.

1. Overview

To accomplish these goals, documents can be restricted to specific User Groups using the identity and access controls of Avanti.

There are two components that will make the access controls work:
  1. A User Group must be created and assigned to all users who should have access to the documents using the Document Type.

  2. A Document Type must be created and applied to documents that will be restricted.

2. Create a User Group for the department

The first component of setting up access restricted documents is to create a User Group to hold all the employees that will have access to the documents.

  1. Open System Administration > System Access Controls > User Groups.

  2. Add a new User Group by pressing Insert and the User Group settings will open.

    1. Enter a short Name for the User Group.

    2. Select Web Only for the Access Type.

  3. Save the new User Group by pressing Apply.

2.1. Company database access and responsibilities

  1. Open the User Group Details tab.

  2. Add the appropriate User Group Details to the User Group by pressing Insert and the settings will open:

    1. Select the Company database that the User Group will have access to.

    2. Enter the name of the computer (Computer Name) that will be allowed to login with that User Group.

    3. Enter the Responsibility level of this User Group for the selected Company.

  3. Save and close the User Group Details settings by pressing OK.

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  • The Computer Name can be entered as a wildcard (*) to allow any computer access.

  • Using Z or a low Responsibility level is recommended.

  • The Responsibility level entered on the User Group corresponds to the Responsibility level on the Document Type

    • A Z-level User Group might be able to View but not Modify the documents for example.

  1. Save and close the User Group by pressing OK.

2.2. Add employees to department User Group

Once properly setup, any employee within the department User Group will be able to view the department documents from the web.

  1. Open System Administration > System Access Controls > Avanti Users.

  2. Select an Avanti User from the list and press Modify to open the user settings.

    You can double-click on a user instead of pressing Modify to open the user settings.
  3. Add the user to the department user group by selecting the Group Memberships tab and moving the department user group to the Selected column.

3. Create and setup a Document Type

The second component is the Document Type that will be applied to all documents which should be restricted. From the Document Type settings the User Groups which will have access to the document can be selected, and exactly what access they have can also be controlled (read, write, delete, and modify).

  1. Open System Administration > System Access Controls > Document Types.

  2. Add a new Document Type by pressing Insert and the Document Type settings will open.

    1. Enter a Type Id and a Description.

The Responsibility and User Group Access setup will be covered in the following section.

3.1. Access control & responsibilities

  1. Choose the Responsibility levels for Insert, Modify, View, and Delete.

  2. Enable User Group Access for the department User Group by moving the group into the Selected column.

  3. Save and close the Document Type settings by pressing OK.

Responsibility level:
The Responsibility level can be
  • left unrestricted by using the wildcard ( * ),

  • or restricted as needed by entering a level from A–Z.

Ensure that the wildcard ( * ) is removed from the Selected column of User Group Access. If the wildcard is not removed then any User Group will be able to access the Document Type.
Example Document Type setup
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1The Type Id was filled in automatically using the next available Document Type Id.
2The description indicates what department these documents belong to (the description is displayed when selecting the Document Type for a document).
3The responsibilities are unrestricted for this Document Type and any employee who is a member of a User Group selected under User Group Access can create, change, view, and delete documents.
4Only the ADMIN and KITCHEN User Groups are granted access to documents using this Document Type.

4. Using the Document Type

Finally the Document Type that was created can be applied when creating new Company Documents and only the employees that are members of the department User Group will be able to view those documents.

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