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Employment and Job Status Code Wizards

  • Both the Employment Status codes and Job Status codes have wizards to assist you in making required changes to an employee’s profile when moving status.

  • When you change the employee's status code, you'll be prompted to update the additional employees information for the fields selected on status code. 

  • Each Status code can have its own set of fields to update. The wizard includes all the fields that need to be updated, on one screen, rather than going to multiple tabs within the profile.


When the Employment Status is changed on the Employee Profile to Terminated the wizard will automatically run, displaying the list of defined fields to update in relation to this change of status. 

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You can setup a different wizard for when an employee goes on leave, which can include different fields.

Change Employment Status Wizard

Whether a wizard will appear and what fields to display on the wizard can be change per Employment Status from Canadian Payroll > Employer Payroll Tables > Employment Status Codes.


The wizard can be disabled altogether by unselecting all of the Update Requirements of the Employment Status code (see below).

  1. Open an Employment Status code from the list.

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  2. Select or Deselect the fields within Update Requirements to add or remove them from the wizard.

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  3. Change the requirement as necessary for each of the selected fields.

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  4. Press OK to save and close the Employment Status.

  • The Update Requirements are the fields that will be included in the wizard when the Employment Status is changed to this Employment Status code.

  • Each field can be assigned a requirement as Optional or Required.


    optional fields can be left blank in the wizard.


    required fields must be filled out before the wizard can be completed.

Now when the Employment Status is changed to this Employment Status code the wizard will automatically display, allowing the fields that were selected to be quickly entered in a single place.

Change Job Status Wizard

Whether a wizard will appear and what fields to display on the wizard can be change per Job Status from Canadian Payroll > Employer Payroll Tables > Job Status Codes.

The process is identical to that of the Employment Status codes, see how to change the Employment Status Wizard fields for reference.

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