The 2024 payroll calendars must be inserted for all pay groups before the first pay of the new year can be processed. In Avanti, Payroll Calendars determine:
Pay periods and pay ending dates for each pay group
Accounting periods
The basis for allocating costs and the maximum number of Automated Earnings Reporting System (AERS) weeks during which earnings or hours can occur.
Additional Information
If you process pay for employees on a weekly or biweekly pay cycle, the number of pays per year varies depending on the year. Are you already aware your number of pays will change in 2024? Go to Updating Pay Periods per Year for Weekly and Biweekly pays for more information.
While payroll calendars can be added one-by-one or copied and pasted, the easiest way to add the calendars is to roll them forward.
Important Information
Only pay groups you have access to can be rolled forward. If you don’t have access to all pay groups, please have someone with full access create the payroll calendars.
Have you discovered that the pay periods per year is incorrect midway through the year? This impacts your CPP exemptions. Not to worry, we’re here to help. Please contact Client Care for additional assistance.
How to Roll the Payroll Calendars Forward
Rolling your Pay Calendars forward will create payment dates for 2023 based on payroll calendars from the previous year.
Additional Information
If any of the payment dates on the previous calendar are blank, payment dates on the calendar created will be blank.
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, navigate to Payroll Calendar.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Select 2023 for Calendar, if not already selected.
Step 3: Select Edit >> Roll Calendar Forward.
Step 4: Select all the Pay Groups that should have pays in 2024.
Important Information
Only the pay groups you have access to will be available for selection. If you don’t have access to all pay groups, please ensure someone with access to the pay group creates the payroll calendar.
Step 5: Select OK To create the Payroll Calendars.
Step 6: Now that the calendars have been rolled forward, you’ll need to review the payroll calendars for accuracy and update as necessary. More information can be found in the Reviewing and Updating your Payroll Calendar section below.
How to Insert a New Payroll Calendar
New payroll calendars can be created for each pay group to define the pay period ending date. This is typically used when a new pay group is created.
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, navigate to Payroll Calendar.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Select 2024 for Calendar, if not already selected.
Step 3: Select Insert.
Step 4: Select the Pay Group. The number of periods is defined on the pay group and automatically populates when the pay group is selected.
Additional Information
Only the pay groups you have access to will be available for selection. If you don't have access to all pay groups, please ensure someone with access to the pay group creates the payroll calendar.
Step 5: Select the Pay Period End Date for the first pay period of the year. The remaining pay period end dates will populate based on the Number of Periods for the Pay Group.
The pay period ending date is the last day for hours worked/paid in the period – it’s not the payment cheque/deposit date.
Step 6: Enter the number of days the Payment Date is after the Pay Period End date.
Step 7: Select OK to create the Payroll Calendar.
Step 8: Select OK to save your Payroll Calendar
Step 9: Repeat Steps 3 to 8 for each Pay Group that should have a payroll calendar inserted.
Additional Information
If you have multiple pay groups that have the same pay frequency, pay ending date, and allocation, you can insert and update one pay group, then copied and pasted it to create the Payroll Calendars for the other Pay Groups.
Step 10: Now that the calendars are inserted, you will need to review the payroll calendars for accuracy and update as necessary. More information on this can be found in the Reviewing and Updating your Payroll Calendar section below.
How to Copy a Payroll Calendar
You can copy and paste a payroll calendar from the same year for a pay group with the same pay frequency. This will copy the Ending Date, Payment Date, Cost Allocation, and AERS.
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, navigate to Payroll Calendar.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Select 2024 for Calendar, if not already selected.
Step 3: Select the Payroll Calendar you’d like to copy, then right-click and pick Copy.
Step 4: Right-click and select Paste.
Step 5: Select the pay group you’d like to create the payroll calendar for.
Additional Information
The Pay Periods Per Year must be the same as the copied Payroll Calendar.
Step 6: Select OK to save your Payroll Calendar
Step 7: Repeat Steps 3 to 6 for each Pay Group you want to copy.
Great! Now it’s time to Review and Update your Payroll Calendar.
How to Review and Update a Payroll Calendar
Once you’ve finished adding your payroll calendars, you must review them to ensure that the dates and allocations are correct.
Step 1: If your payroll calendar is not open, select the pay group, and select Modify.
Step 2: If the pay cycle is weekly or bi-weekly, ensure that:
There isn’t room for another pay cycle in 2024.
The last pay period has a Payment Date on or before January 1, 2025.
If you have too many or too few pay periods, go to Updating Pay Periods per Year for Weekly and Biweekly Pays for more information on adjusting the pay periods.
If there can be another pay period with a payment date in 2024, there are too few pay periods in the calendar year.
If the Payment Date of the last pay period is after January 1st, 2025, there are too many pay periods in the calendar year.
Additional Information
Since December 30th is a stat, this payment date will need to updated to December 29th, 2024.
Step 3: Review the Accounting Period of each pay period to ensure it is correct.
If it’s incorrect, the G/L Financial Calendar is either incorrect or has not been added. Go to Add the New Year’s Financial Calendar for more information on adding this.
Step 4: To ensure accuracy, review that the following are correct for each pay period:
Ending Date - This is used during Process Pay Run to determine pay. It cannot be changed while processing pay.
Payment Date - When processing this pay, the payment date will default to this date. It should be updated if it falls on a weekend or statutory holiday.
Accounting Period, Allocate Basis, Prior Acctg Period, Allocate Basis - If you're using Avanti to generate your expense accruals, ensure each accounting allocation is correct for the accounting period and prior accounting period.
You can set the allocation as a percentage, with the values adding up to 100 percent, or set it as days, with the values adding up to the number of days in the period.AERS Weeks - If you’re using the AERS reporting function in Avanti, the AERS weeks will be loaded automatically in the system and can also be modified if required. AERS is a voluntary program that allows employers to submit their payroll information to Service Canada each month using a secure online application.
Step 5: If there’s an incorrect pay period, select, then select Modify.
Step 6: Update the information that is incorrect on the Pay Period.
Step 7: Select OK to save your changes.
Step 8: Repeat Steps 4 to 7 for each Pay Period requiring modification in the Pay Group.
Step 9: Select OK to close to the Payroll Calendar for the Pay Group.
Step 10: Repeat Steps 1 to 9 for each Pay Group.
Congratulations! You’ve added your Payroll Calendars for 2024. The next step in the year-end process is Update the Vendor Remittance Reports.