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Digital Evidence for Job Offer Letters

As a hiring manager or Avanti Administrator, you want to have the Applicant’s digital signature and response information populate the Job Offer Letter to provide additional evidence in case of future employment disputes.

How it Works

Digital evidence can populate the job offer document with the following: 

  • The Applicant’s digital signature
  • The Applicant’s selected response to the Job Offer 
  • Any comments the applicant entered
  • When the Applicant submitted the Job Offer response
  • When the applicant first viewed the Job Offer

Once digital evidence is setup on Job Offer Letters, Applicants can view the populated job offer on their Career Connector Profile after responding to the offer. Once you hire the Applicant, the offer letter populated with this information will be under Employee Documents on the Employee Profile.

*Once the offer letter is attached to the job offer in Avanti, all of the fields on the PDF file will be read-only.

For digital evidence, you will need a PDF creator that supports signature fields and fillable fields, such as Adobe Acrobat.

How to Set it Up

To set up digital evidence, the following is required: 

*Digital Evidence on Job Offers is only available for clients with an Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP).

Set up an Employee Document Review for Document Type 55

To include the employee signature, create an Employee Document Review for Document Type 55 with ‘Require Signature’ selected.

To create the review, open Employee Document Review Setup in Web Services>Installation and Maintenance>Web Services

If a Job Offer Review setup already exists for Document Type ‘55 – Applicant Job Offer’, you can skip to Update the PDF if you are happy with the review and your setup has the following:

  • Appropriate Response Messages
  • Require Signature selected

If you do not have a Job Offer Review setup for Document Type ‘55 – Applicant Job Offer’, one must be created.

Select Insert in Web Services>Installation and Maintenance>Web Services

When creating a Job Offer Review, the following fields require additional attention: 

  • Document Created After
  • Response Messages
  • Require Signature 

Documents Created After

To prevent employees from being prompted to review previously accepted Offer Letters, it is important to ensure that the 'created after' date is specified. 

If you have inserted the Document Review Setup, please populate the Created After Date with the current date.

Response Messages

The response messages are the messages that applicants can select from when responding to the Job Offer. Please populate this with the appropriate responses for your Applicants.

Require Signature

To allow Applicants to provide a digital signature, ‘Require Signature’ must be selected.

Additional Fields on the Review

All the additional fields on the Job Offer Review setup will also impact the functionality when the Applicant reviews the job offer. Please review the fields below and update as desired.

Update the PDF

To include digital evidence on the Offer Letter, the job offer must be a PDF file. Additionally, you will need a PDF creator that supports signature fields and fillable fields, such as Adobe Acrobat.

Here's a sample Offer Letter with Fillable fields.

To include an image of the Applicant’s signature, include a signature field with the fillable field name ‘Employee Signature’.

Additional Fillable Fields for the Job Offer Letter
The following information can also populate the signed Job Offer Letter when a corresponding 'Fillable Field Name' exists on the PDF.


Fillable Field Name 

The date and time that the offer letter was signed

Signed Date

The date and time that the offer letter was first viewed. 

Viewed Date

The selected value on the offer letter

Response Text

The additional comments entered when completing the offer letter

Response Comment

Any other fillable fields on the PDF should be filled before to attaching the Offer Letter to the Job Offer.

Job Offers can be populated with the Applicant’s response information if the Offer Letter PDF is:

  • Fillable
  • Not Secure

*Once the offer letter is attached to the Job Offer in Avanti, all of the fields on the PDF file will be read-only.

Complete the Job Offer

The setup for including digital evidence is now complete. You can attach the updated PDF to complete the Job Offer as normal.

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