It’s vital to ensure only the correct people can access the menus on your uFace 800 clocks. From the clock menu, you can:
Add and delete Users on the clock.
Change employees' biometric information.
Adjust clock settings.
Employees without access to the menu can only punch on the clock.
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When no one is set up with menu access, the menu is unrestricted, and everyone can access it. Once you’ve set up an employee with access to the menu, the menu is restricted to employees with access.
Once you’ve restricted access to the clocks, only employees with Security selected for Authority Level can access the uFace 800 clock menu. We recommend setting up two or more employees with access to the clock menus.
Step 1: Open Employee Clock Data in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Time Clocks >> Installation & Maintenance.
Step 2: Select the employee who should have access to the clock menu, then select Modify.
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Can’t find the employee on the list? Go to Adding an Employee to a Clock for more information on adding employees to the clock.
Step 3: Select Security for Authority Level.
Step 4: Select OK.
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Ensure Synchronize selected clocks is selected before clicking OK, otherwise the employee will not be updated on the clock.
Wonderful! This employee can now access the menu on each clock selected in Clocks.
Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 to 4 for each employee who should have access to the uFace 800 clock menu.
Additional Information
We recommend having at least two employees who can access the clock menu.