Change Statement Password allows your employees to update their passwords, protecting:
Compensation when employees view the PDF.
Tax Slips when employees view, print or email their slips.
Pay Statements when employees view, print or email their statements.
You can choose to password-protect your employees’ Tax Slips, Pay Statements, and Compensation PDFs. Check out the Tax Slips Setup Guide and Compensation Setup Guide for more information.
Additional Information
Statement Password is different from the password employees use to log into Avanti.
Change Statement Password is a section on Settings in the Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP). You can’t have Change Statement Passwords without also having Settings on ASSP. From Settings, employees can also change their Avanti password, update their display preferences, and find information about Avanti Go.
How to Add Change Statement Password
Step 1: Open Web Menu in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Web Services >> Installation and Maintenance.
Step 2: Select Display Update Menu.
On the left, the Avanti Menu shows all the menu items currently in your system.
On the right, the Update Menu displays everything released for ASSP.
Step 3: On the right side, locate and expand Settings. Identify whether the Settings and Change Statement Password Statement has blue or red text.
If both Settings and Change Statement Password have blue text, your employees can already change their password on ASSP. All that’s left is confirming that the right employees can access it.
Skip to the Allow All Employees to Change Their Password section or Prevent Some Employees from Changing Their Passwords section below.If both Settings and Change Statement Password have red text, skip to the How to Add Both Menus section below.
If only Change Statement Password has red text, skip to the How to Add Change Statement Password Menu section below.
How to Add Both Menus
Step 1: On the left side, right-click on Settings, then select Add New in Avanti Menu.
Additional Information
You added the Settings and Change Statement Password to your menu.
By default, only users with access to Administration can access Settings.
If some employees shouldn’t have access, skip to the Prevent Some Employees from Changing Their Passwords section below for more information.
Step 2: Select OK if only employees with access to Administration should change their Statement Password.
Great! You’re all set up for changing Pay Statement and Tax Slip Password on ASSP.
How to Add Change Statement Password Menu
Step 1: On the left side, right-click on Change Statement Password and select Add New in Avanti Menu.
Additional Information
Everyone with access to Settings can access Change Statement Password. If some employees shouldn’t have access, skip to the Prevent Some Employees from Changing Their Passwords section below for more information.
Step 2: Select OK if only employees with access to Administration should change their Statement Password.
Great! You’re all set up, and employees can change their statement passwords on ASSP.
How to Allow All Employees to Change Their Password
Employees can only access Change Statement Password if they have User Group access to all the menus to its left.
In this example, to access Change Statement Password, the employee would need User Group access to:
Change Statement Password
Additional Information
Settings must be above and to the left of Change Statement Password, since Change Statement Password is a section on Settings.
Step 1: Select the menu you’d like to update on the left side, then select Modify.
Step 2: Under Allowed Groups, check whether there’s a Star in the Selected column. If there is, skip to Step 4; all employees can access the menu.
Step 3: Double-click on the Star in the Available column to move it to the Selected column.
Additional Information
If there’s a Star in the Selected column, all employees can access the menu.
Step 4: Select OK to save your changes.
Step 5: Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for Change Statement Password and each menu item to its left.
Additional Information
Settings must be above and to the left of Change Statement Password.
Congratulations! Statement Password is available on ASSP.
How to Prevent Some Employees from Changing Their Passwords
Step 1: Select the menu you’d like to update on the left side, then select Modify.
Step 2: Under Allowed Groups, see if there’s a Star in the Selected column.
Step 3: If there’s a Star in the Selected column, double-click on the Star to move it to the Available column.
Additional Information
If there’s a Star in the Selected column, all employees can access the menu.
Step 4: Next, double-click on each User Group in the Selected column that should not have access, so it moves to the Available column.
Step 5: Next, double-click on each User Group in the Available column that should have access. This moves the User Group to the Selected column.
Additional Information
For employees to change their Statement Password, one of their User Groups must be in the Selected Column, unless there’s a * in the Selected column. A * in the Selected column grants access to all users.
For more information on user groups, go to Avanti Security Overview: User Groups & Avanti Users.
Step 6: Select OK to save your changes.
Step 7: Repeat Steps 1 to 6 for Change Statement Password and each menu item to its left.
Additional Information
Settings must be above and to the left of Change Statement Password for employees to update their passwords.
Step 8: Select OK to save your changes.
Congratulations! Statement Password is available on ASSP.