Once you have received a replacement clock from Avanti, it’s easy to get it up and running.
Adding a new clock in Avanti? Go to Adding a New Clock in Avanti for more information.
Before making changes in Avanti, you will need to:
Turn off the broken clock, dismount it, and disconnect it from the network and power.
Mount the new clock, connect the network and power, then turn it on.
Locate the email from Avanti with the clock information.
Have someone at the clock who can do a test punch.
Step 1: Open Clock Connect on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.
By default, this can be found in Administration Settings.
Step 2: Select Clock Id of the broken clock.
Step 3: Update the Serial Number to the one provided by Avanti.
Additional Information
If you cannot locate the email from Avanti, you can also find the serial number by going into the Clock Menu, selecting System Info, then Device Info.
Step 4: Select Save Changes.
Step 5: Select the Clock Id on the Log File tab, then click View Log File.
Confirm that the new clock has come online. You’ll know it’s online when you see a recent entry similar to this.
Additional Information
Not seeing your clock come online in Avanti? Try rebooting your it using the inset reset button under the flap on the left side of the clock.
Still waiting to see the clock come online? We’re here to help; please reach out to Client Care!
Step 6: Select Set DST on clock on the Maintain Clocks tab once the clock has come online.
Important Information
Please skip to Step 7 if the clock is in Saskatchewan.
Step 7: Select the Synchronize tab, then select Send all users.
Step 8: You’ll need to wait until all the employees are on the clock. The time will vary based on how many employees are on the clock.
To confirm the employees are all on the clock, select View Log File on the Log File tab,
If the Heartbeat is more recent than the second entry of the log, all the employees are on the clock.
Step 9: Once the clock has all the employees, have an employee do a test punch on the clock.
Step 10: In Maintain Punches, confirm the time is correct, then delete the punch.
By default, Maintain Punches can be found in Time Entry Approval.
Additional Information
If you don’t see the punch, ensure Show Processed is selected. If you still don’t see the punch, get in touch with Client Care. We’ll help get your clock up and running.
Congratulations, the replacement clock is ready for your employees to use.
We’ve included a shipping label so you can return the clock as soon as possible. Please arrange a Purolator pickup as soon as you can.