Did you find errors in employee RL1 and RL2 tax slips after submitting them to RQ? You can either cancel the tax slips and create new ones or amend them.
To amend your tax slips, go to Amending Tax Slips for more information.
There are 4 steps to Cancel Tax Slips:
Important Information
After you’ve submitted your cancelled Relevé to RQ, you can’t remove the cancelled tax slip or make any changes once the transmission file is generated. If you’ve accidentally cancelled your Relevé, please reach out to Client Care for assistance.
Once you’ve finished these four steps, you can view, print, and email the cancelled slips.
Do you want help cancelling your Relevé? We’re here to help! Contact Client Care for assistance.
How to Cancel Employee Tax Slips
To start, make the necessary adjustments to your employee tax slips.
Additional Information
Make a note of the day and time you start cancelling employee tax slips. This information will come in handy when creating the cancelled tax slips and the files to submit to RQ.
Step 1: Open Modify Employee Tax Slip Data in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.
Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.
Step 3: Select the Tax Slip Group.
Step 4: Select the employee who needs a cancelled slip, then select Modify.
Step 5: Navigate to the RL1 or RL2 tab, then select Cancelled.
Step 6: Select OK to save your changes.
Important Information
Make a note of the day and time you started cancelling employee tax slips. This may come in handy when creating the cancelled tax slips and the files to submit to RQ.
Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 to 6 for each employee you need to create a cancelled tax slip for in the tax slip group.
Step 8: Once you’ve finished cancelling the tax slips in this group, select Print Change Log. From here, you can save a copy of the changes or print the log.
Important Information
Please ensure you keep a copy of your change log for your records and the audit trail.
Step 9: Repeat Steps 3 to 8 for each tax slip group requiring cancelled tax slips.
How to Validate the Tax Slips
Before creating the cancelled tax slips or the transmission file for RQ, you need to validate the tax slip groups.
If you need additional details on validating, go to Validate Your Tax Slips.
Important Information
After you’ve submitted your cancelled Relevé to RQ, you can’t remove the tax slip’s cancelled status or make any changes once the transmission file is generated.
Step 1: Open Validate Tax Slip Data in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.
Step 2: Select 2023 in the Tax Year if it’s not selected.
Step 3: Select the Tax Slip Groups with cancelled tax slips.
Additional Information
Take a look at the Last Modified Date to confirm you selected the correct tax slip groups.
Step 4: Select OK to start the validation. The Results will display any errors or warnings identified.
Errors, which appear in red, must be fixed before creating and saving the transmission file. If your file has errors, please make adjustments in Modify Employee Tax Slip Data.
Warnings, which appear in blue, should be addressed, but not required to proceed.
Additional Information
If you’re creating tax slips for a Corporation, rather than a Sole Proprietorship or Partnership, you’ll see an Employer SIN missing for tax slip group warning. Please ignore this warning.
Great! You’re all done validating the tax slips.
How to Generate the Tax Slip File
Now that you’ve confirmed the tax slips don’t have validation issues, you can generate the file for RQ.
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, open the program for the tax slip file you cancelled.
Generate RL1 XML Data
Generate RL2 XML Data
By default, these can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Generate Transmission Media.
Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.
Step 3: Select Cancelled Data in Data Type.
Step 4: Select which tax slip data you’d like included in the file from:
Modified After Last XML Generation Date: Select to include all employees with tax slip data changed after the last time you created the file for the group.
Modified on or After: Select to include all employees with tax slip data changed after the date and time you specify.
Step 5: Update the Data file name so you don’t overwrite the original file.
Additional Information
We recommend updating the file name to indicate it’s for the cancelled tax slips.
Step 6: Update the Source of RL1/RL2 if it’s incorrect.
Ministere du Revenu: Select if your RL slips were obtained from Revenu Québec.
Third-party facsimile: Select if your RL slips are facsimiles obtained from a third party.
Facsimile: Select if your RL slips are facsimiles produced by the transmitter.
Combination of Above: Select if your RL slips are a combination of the options above.
Step 7: Select the language you want to correspond with RQ in Email Language.
Step 8: Select the Tax Slip Groups with cancelled tax slips.
Step 9: Select OK to create the file.
Additional Information
Are you looking for more information about generating the file? Go to Create Tax Slip Transmission Files for CRA or RQ for more details.
Step 10: If there are no errors, your transmitter file is now created in Avanti. You can save a copy of the file to your network.
Additional Information
If you’re not submitting the file to RQ immediately, we recommend selecting No and saving the file once you’re ready to submit. This prevents someone from accidentally making changes to the file.
To save the file to your computer immediately, select Yes.
To save a file at a later time, select No. Congratulations! You’re all done creating your transmitter file.
Additional Information
Go to Create Tax Slip Transmission Files for CRA or RQ for additional details.
Step 11: Select OK.
Step 12: Save the file to a secure location, then select Save.
Step 13: Determine whether you’d like to update the transmitter date.
Select Yes to update the transmitter date with the current date and time.
Select No to leave the transmitter date blank.
Additional Information
Setting the transmitter date prevents users from accidentally overwriting the transmitter file from Avanti, as the user will need to remove the transmitter date before Avanti will create a new transmitter file.
Congratulations! You’ve created your transmission files. You can transmit these to the RQ once you’ve confirmed your tax slips are correct.
How to Save Tax Slips
Save your cancelled tax slips so they are available on the Employee Profile. This is necessary if you provide your employee tax slips on the Avanti Self-Service Portal or send them via email.
Employees who access tax slips on the Avanti Self-Service Portal can access the cancelled slips once the delay has passed. For more information on setting up the delay, go to Delay Tax Slip Display on ASSP.
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, open the program for the tax slip images you’re cancelling:
Save RL1 Images
Save RL2 Images
By default, these can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Tax Slip Images.
Step 2: Select 2023 for the Tax Year if it’s not selected.
Step 3: Select Cancelled file in Data Type.
Step 4: Select which tax slip data you’d like included in the file from:
Amended After Last Created Image Date: Select to include all employees with tax slip data changed after the last time the tax slip images were saved.
Amended on or After: Select to include all employees with tax slip data changed after the date and time you specify.
Step 5: Select Save Copy 1 to include the Revenu Québec copy and the employee copy.
Additional Information
If deselected, only the employee’s copy of the tax slip will be created.
Step 6: Select the Tax Slip Groups with cancelled tax slips.
Additional Information
Are you seeking information on restricting which employees will have their cancelled tax slip saved? Go to Save Employee Tax Slips for more information.
Step 7: Select Save to create the tax slips.
Important Information
The tax slips will be immediately created once you select Save.
Step 8: Select Print Results to keep a copy of updated employees for reference. From here, you can either print or save it as a file.
Congratulations! You’re all done saving cancelled tax slips.
Accessing Cancelled Tax Slips
You can view and print the cancelled slips now that you’ve saved them.
Step 1: Open View Tax Slip Images in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Tax Slip Images.
Step 2: Select the Employee.
Step 3: Select the employee’s most recent tax slip, then select View Tax Slip.
Additional Information
The Version column displays the tax slip status, Original, Amended or Cancelled.
Step 4: From here, you can print the tax slip or save a copy of the PDF.
Additional Information
ANNULÉ displays on the tax slip.
Congratulations! You’re all done cancelling tax slips.
If you need to email the cancelled slips, go to Emailing Tax Slips for more information.
If you need to print the tax slips on preprinted forms, go to Printing Your Laser Slips for more information.
Important Information
RQ has specific forms for cancelled slips. If you’re using preprinted forms, be sure to use the correct ones. If you’re printing the tax slip images, they are printed according to RQ specifications.