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Personal Information Setup Guide

Personal Information empowers employees and managers to update information as things change. With our flexible setup, you can easily adjust access so that only those who need to can view and edit each section so that the details remain secure and confidential.

Adjust phone labels
Adjust which phone types employees can select.

Display and update employee photo
Select whether employees’ photos are displayed and whether they can be updated.

Which information to include
Set the information to display in Personal Information.

Change field labels
Update the names of the different fields.

Adjust personal information access
Select whether employees can update fields within Personal Information. You can also dictate whether managers and regular users can add, edit, and delete Personal Information for themselves and others.

These settings affect the following sections in Personal Information:

  • Basic Information

  • Address

  • Phone Numbers

  • Email

Some of the features, such as Additional Information, provide even more flexibility and have their own dedicated setup guides—you’ll find the links below:

Additional Information
If you want managers and regular users to view or update other employees’ Personal Information, they’ll need access to the Employee Directory. Go to the Employee Directory Setup Guide
 for more information. 

How to Adjust the Phone Number Labels

You can set up to four phone labels your employees can select for their phone number, which can be chosen from:

  • Work, Work 2, Work Fax, Work Cell

  • Home, Home 2, Home Fax, Home Cell

  • Cell, Pager, Other

If you don’t set the phone labels, any label above can be selected when adding or updating a phone number in Personal Information.

Step 1: Open Payroll Parameters on the Avanti Desktop and select the Add’l Field Names tab.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance. 

Step 2: Select the Phone Label you’d like for each of the four phone numbers.

Additional Information
There’s no need to worry about employee numbers with different phone labels. You’ll still see the numbers with the correct label in the Employee Profile.

Step 3: Select Disable Phone Label Selection on Employee Profile if it’s deselected, then click OK.

Step 4: You can set all your employee’s phone numbers to display in the same order on the Employee Profile in the Avanti Desktop.

  • Select No and skip to How to Hide Details in Personal Information to keep the numbers in their current order.

  • If they should all display in the same order, select Yes to Rearrange Phone Numbers, then select Rearrange. After it’s done rearranging, you can review all your employees with a different phone label set. Once you’re done, select Exit to close.

Congrats! You’re all done updating your phone labels.

How to Display and Update Employee Photos

You can display your employee’s photos on the Employee Directory, in the top-right corner of ASSP, and in Personal Information. These pictures are also in Avanti Go.

The photos can be updated by selecting Edit in Basic Information. You can also add photos on the Personal tab of the Employee Profile in the Avanti Desktop.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 


Step 2: Enter ShowPicture in the Search, then select Edit.


Step 3: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

  • Select Value to display employees’ photos.

  • Deselect Value to display your employees’ initials instead.


Step 4: Enter EnablePictureChange in the Search, then select Edit for EnablePictureChange.


Step 5: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

  • Select Value to allow the employees’ photos to be changed in Personal Information.

  • Deselect Value to prevent photos from being changed in Personal Information on ASSP.


Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.


How to Hide Details in Personal Information

You can select what information displays by choosing the fields that won’t be available when adding, editing, or viewing Personal Information.

You can hide any employee details you’d like—there are no required fields.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter PersonalInfo.PersonalDataHiddenFields in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit for PersonalInfo.PersonalDataHiddenFields.

Step 4: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Setting Options for the fields that shouldn’t be available when viewing, creating, or updating Personal Information.

The following Setting Options are available:

Basic Information Setting Options: GivenName, Surname, PreferredName, BirthDate, Gender, FirstLanguage, Marital, PreviousSurname, Sin, SinExpiryDate,

Address Setting Options: Address1, Address2, City, Province, Postal, Country,

Phone Number Setting Options: Phonenumber1, Phonenumber2, Phonenumber3, Phonenumber4, Phonetype1, Phonetype2, Phonetype3, Phonetype4,

Email Setting Options: WorkEmail, HomeEmail, PayStatementEmail, AlertEmail, TaxSlipEmail,

For example, if you want to hide Marital Status, Country, Phone Number 4, Phone Label 4 and Home Email, the Value would be:

Marital, Country, Phonenumber4, Phonetype4, HomeEmail,

Step 5: Select Save.

Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Change Field Labels

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter PersonalInfo.PersonalDataFieldDisplayName in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit for PersonalInfo.PersonalDataFieldDisplayName.

Step 4: In Value, enter a Setting Option you’d like to update the label for, then add a colon.

The following Setting Options are available:

Basic Information Setting Options: GivenName, Surname, PreferredName, BirthDate, Gender, FirstLanguage, Marital, PreviousSurname, Sin, SinExpiryDate,

Address Setting Options: Address1, Address2, City, Province, Postal, Country,

Email Setting Options: WorkEmail, HomeEmail, PayStatementEmail, AlertEmail, TaxSlipEmail,

Additional Information
Only add one Setting Option
 at a time; if you want to update additional labels, you can do so in Step 7.

Step 5: Enter the label you want to display when ASSP is accessed in English, then add a colon.

Step 6: Enter the French label you want to display when ASSP is accessed in French, then add a comma.

Additional Information
This is only applicable to clients using French. Don’t have French? Just add a comma to the end of the Value.

Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 to 6 for each Field Label you’d like updated in Personal Information and select Save once you’re done.

Step 8: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Who can Update Personal Information?

Select which information employees can update. You can also dictate which details managers and regular users can update for themselves and others.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter PersonalInfo.Personal in the Search.

Step 3: Take a look at the Value for these settings.

  • PersonalInfo.PersonalDataEmployeeReadOnly: A comma-separated list of information employees cannot update in their Personal Information.

  • PersonalInfo.PersonalDataManagerReadOnly: A comma-separated list of employee information managers and regular users cannot update for others.

  • PersonalInfo.PersonalDataManagerReadOnlyForSelf: A comma-separated list of their information managers and regular users cannot update.

The following Setting Options are available:

Basic Information Setting Options: GivenName, Surname, PreferredName, BirthDate, Gender, FirstLanguage, Marital, PreviousSurname, Sin, SinExpiryDate,

Address Setting Options: Address1, Address2, City, Province, Postal, Country,

Phone Number Setting Options: Phonenumber1, Phonenumber2, Phonenumber3, Phonenumber4, Phonetype1, Phonetype2, Phonetype3, Phonetype4,

Email Setting Options: PrimaryEmail, WorkEmail, HomeEmail, PayStatementEmail, AlertEmail, TaxSlipEmail,

Additional Information
You can only make the Primary Email read-only for employees.

If these permissions are set how you’d like, skip to How to Add Personal Information to the Menu.

Step 4: To change who has access, select Edit for the option you’d like to update.

Step 5: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Setting Options for the fields that can’t be updated, then select Save.

The following Setting Options are available:

Basic Information Setting Options: GivenName, Surname, PreferredName, BirthDate, Gender, FirstLanguage, Marital, PreviousSurname, Sin, SinExpiryDate,

Address Setting Options: Address1, Address2, City, Province, Postal, Country,

Phone Number Setting Options: Phonenumber1, Phonenumber2, Phonenumber3, Phonenumber4, Phonetype1, Phonetype2, Phonetype3, Phonetype4,

Email Setting Options: WorkEmail, HomeEmail, PayStatementEmail, AlertEmail, TaxSlipEmail,

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you’ve got the proper selections for:

  • PersonalInfo.PersonalDataEmployeeReadOnly

  • PersonalInfo.PersonalDataManagerReadOnly

  • PersonalInfo.PersonalDataManagerReadOnlyForSelf

Step 7: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Add Personal Information to the Menu

When setting up Personal Information, you’ll also want to set up some information to display there. This will also guide you through adding:

  • Basic Information

  • Address

  • Phone Numbers

  • Emails

Only Regular users with the Admin user group can set up Personal Information.

Step 1: Select System Configuration.

Step 2: Under System, select New Experience.

Step 3: Select Start Setup.

Additional Information
If you’re already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see this screen. Skip to Step 5

Step 4: Select Continue to bypass the security.

Additional Information
If you’re already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see this screen. Skip to Step 5

Step 5: Select Personal Information if it’s not selected.

Additional Information
When you select Personal Information, everything within it gets selected as well.

Step 6: Deselect any of the sections you don’t want to display.
For example, you should deselect Additional Information if you’re not ready to set it up.

Additional Information
When a section is deselected, it displays in Yellow.

Now you’re ready to go through each section you’re using and ensure the correct access is set.

Step 7: Select Edit for the section you’d like enabled.

Step 8: Select a Role Type to determine which employees your managers and regular users can access.

Important Information
Managers and regular users need role permissions and user group access to the employee’s Personal Information to view any of the sections within. 

For example, if there’s a different role type for Personal Information than Basic Information, managers can only view Basic Information if they also have access to their Personal Information.

Step 9: Select the User Groups. Anyone in one of the selected User Groups has access.

Additional Information
Only users in one of the selected User Groups have access, unless * is selected. If * is selected, all Managers and Regular Users can access Personal Information.

Step 10: Set your desired Responsibility to Edit and View Personal Information.

  • A * grants access to all users.

  • Enter an A to restrict access the most. Only users with will have access.

  • Enter any other letter. Users with that letter will have access. Users with a letter between that level of access and A will also have access.

Additional Information
Responsibility levels range from A to Z, with A being the most restrictive. The user’s responsibility level is based on their assigned user groups. Go to Responsibilities for more details.

For example, if the Edit Responsibility is B, the user must have A or B access to modify Personal Information.

Step 10: Select Save.

Step 11: Repeat Steps 7 to 10 for each section you’re using within Personal Information.

Step 12: Select Finish.

Step 13: Select Exit Configuration.

Great! You’re all done setting up Personal Information.

Go to these setup guides for Additional Information, Banking Info, Emergency Contacts, and Dependents to unleash Personal Information’s full potential.

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