Document types categorize company, employee, and applicant documents throughout. When you add a document in Avanti, you’ll assign the document a type.
Document types can filter the documents displayed on the screen and in reports. Additionally, document types can:
Restrict access to documents.
Determine which employee documents will be available for employees to review. Go to Employee Document Review to learn more.
If you want to restrict access to an existing document type, skip to the How to Restrict Access to Documents section below.
How to Create a New Document Type
Step 1: Open Document Types in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in System Administration >> System Access Controls.
Step 2: Select Insert to add a new Document Type.
Step 3: Enter a Type Id, a Description, and a Description French. The Type ID must be numeric and greater than 99.
Step 4: Determine whether users should have full access to view, insert, modify, and delete this type of document.
If some users shouldn’t have full access to documents with this document type, skip to the How to Restrict Access to Documents section below.
Step 5: Select * from the Available column in User Group Access, then select the arrow to move the * to the Selected column.
Step 6: Select OK to save your changes.
Congratulations! You’ve created a new document type that all Avanti Users can view, insert, modify, and delete.
How to Restrict Access to Documents
There are two ways to restrict which users can view the document: user groups and responsibility levels.
If you create user group restrictions, users must be in one of the selected user groups to access documents with this document type.
You can prevent users from inserting, modifying, and deleting documents with Responsibility Level.
Additional Information
Users prohibited from viewing the document cannot insert, modify, or delete it.
Step 1: Open Document Types in the Avanti Desktop Application if it’s not already open.
By default, this can be found in System Administration >> System Access Controls.
Step 2: To restrict access, replace the * with the minimum access level for the responsibility.
If all users should have access based on the Responsibility Level, skip to Step 3 to restrict the ability to view the document by user groups.
Additional Information
The responsibility levels range from A to Z, with A being the most restrictive. For example, if the Modify Responsibility is B, the user must have A or B access to modify the document.
The user’s responsibility level is based on their assigned user groups. Go to Responsibilities for more information.
Step 3: Choose a User Group with employees who should access the documents, then select the arrow.
Additional Information
If all users should have access based on User Groups, select * then select the arrow. Users without User Group Access cannot view, insert, modify, or delete the document.
Step 4: Repeat Step 3 for each User Group that should have access.
Important Information
If you’re restricting access by user groups, ensure the * is not in the Selected column of User Group Access. If it is in the Selected column, all users can access documents with this type based on User Group Access.
Step 5: Save and close the Document Type settings by selecting OK.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully adjusted access to a Document Type.