You can configure your setup so that once an employee is enrolled on the clock, the enrollment is automatically associated with their employee number in Avanti. This can only be done when the clock PIN matches the employee number.
For a clock enrollment to be automatically associated with an employee, the employee must:
Be active
Have a position
Have a work group
When a clock enrollment matches to an employee, the employee will be added to Employee Clock Data and the clock will be selected.
Step 1: Open Program Options on the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in System Administration >> System Parameters.
Step 2: Select Insert.
Step 3: Enter Tc.AutomatedSync.ClockPinMatchesEmpno for Option ID.
Step 4: In Description, enter:
Select whether new enrollments from the clock will create entries in Employee Clock Data. Employees will be matched based on the PIN used to enroll on the clock.
Step 5: Enter Yes in Value.
Step 6: Select OK.
Congratulations! Employees enrolled on a clock will now automatically be created in Employee Clock Data.
Want the employee to be able to punch on other clocks once they are added to a clock? Go to Allow Employees to Punch on Another Clock for more information.