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Employee Profile Overview

The Employee Profile is the hub where employee information can be accessed, reviewed, and maintained. Employee information is comprehensive from contact information, employment information, rate of pay, positions, employee documents, and much more. The categories of information and how to access them will be explained below.

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Figure 1. Overview of the Employee Profile window

The information contained in the employee profile drives all parts of Avanti from reporting to payroll. Because everything is driven from the Employee Profile it will be necessary to know your way around the Employee Profile.

Location of the Employee Profile

Within a standard implementation the Employee Profile can be accessed from:

  • Canadian Payroll > Employee Profile > Employee Profile,

  • Human Resources > Personal Information > Employee Profile,

  • From the Avanti Self Service Portal (ASSP)

Accessing Employee Data from the Employee Profile

An employee can be selected in the Employee Profile using the employee dropdown located at the top of the Employee Profile window.

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Employees can be changed from the employee drop-down a couple of different way:

1If you know the employee number of the employee, you can enter that directly into the employee number field and press Enter to change to that employee.
2If you know the name of the employee, you can click on the drop-down to open the list of all employees where the employee can be selected.

A filter can be applied to the list of employees to reduce the number of employees listed. e.g., display only employees whose given name starts with an “M” in the employee list.


An employee can be quickly located in the list of employee using the Find function.

  • Find will search for partial matches; e.g. you can find an employee whose name ends in “son” using find.

  • You can move to the next match in the employee list by pressing F3

3Employees can be changed to the first, previous, next, or last employee using these buttons respectively.

Navigating in the Employee Profile

On the left side of the Employee Profile window is a list of all the categories of the Employee Profile. Clicking on a category in the list will change the information displayed in the right side of the window.

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The currently loaded category can be checked from the tab label on the right.

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Employee Profile Categories

The Employee Profile contains 18 broad categories covering all types of information related to the employee. When an employee is first hired on, the Employee Profile will be completed in descending order from the top — from the Personal category to the Earnings.

A brief overview of the following categories is given below.

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Figure 2. Location of the Employee Profile categories


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Figure 3. Overview of the Personal category.

The Personal tab is the first category of the Employee Profile. This category contains all the employee’s personal information including:

  • Name, current address of residence, contact information, social insurance number (SIN), birth date, can all be entered here.

  • An optional employee profile picture can be attached here.

  • The Avanti User for the employee to access the ASSP will be displayed here.


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Figure 4. Overview of the Dates category.

The Dates tab holds some of the important dates related to the employee including: initial hire date, seniority date, and vacation date.

  • If the employee has been terminated you will also be able to view the termination date, termination code, and the expected recall date.

  • If the employee has a temporary work-schedule, the schedule start and end dates can be changed here.

  • Any custom dates that have been defined in Profile Field Names will appear here.


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Figure 5. Overview of the Values category.

The Values tab is where you will find any custom values that have been setup for the employee profile.

Profile Field Names

Custom profile fields can be added, removed, or changed from Canadian Payroll > Installation & Maintenance > Payroll Parameters > Profile Field Names.

Where the custom profile fields will appear in the Employee Profile will change depending on the type of field:

  • Figures and Text Fields will appear under the Values category,

  • Dates will appear under the Dates category.

Employment Data

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Figure 6. Overview of the Employment Data category.

The Employment Data category contains the Codes and options related to the employee’s employment status.

From here you will be able to:

  • Change the Pay Group of an employee,

  • Change the vacation from accrued to paid out, change the vacation earning rate, and update the workers compensation, union code, benefits group, G/L options, and scheduling options,

  • Change the employment status of terminated or sick employees,

  • Change the job status, and full time equivalency (FTE),

  • Change an employee from salaried to hourly and vice versa.


Many of the fields in Employment Data will be saved to the employee history when they are changed, or after payroll has been processed. The employee history allows changes, like position movement, to be tracked for an employee.

Payment Method

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Figure 7. Overview of the Payment Method category.

The Payment Method category contains banking and payment information.

From here you will be able to:

  • Change how the employee should be paid (by cheque or by direct deposit),

  • Update the banking information for direct deposit,

  • Add addition bank accounts for the employee and setup payment splits between those accounts.

Tax Factors

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Figure 8. Overview of the Tax Factors category.

The tax factors contains the Federal TD1 and Provincial tax factors for the employee.

From here you will be able to:

  • Add additional tax deductions if requested by an employee,

  • Change the tax exemption status of an employee,

  • Enable TD1X Commission tax basis,

  • Enter estimated annual taxable income amounts for bonus tax calculations.


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Figure 9. Overview of the Positions category.

The Positions category lists all the positions assigned to the employee.

  • Positions can be assigned to the employee, as well as removed or changed.

  • The default and primary position for the employee can be selected.

  • The rate of pay can be changed for the employee’s position,

  • Position premiums can be added to positions, as well as remove or changed.


The Earnings category is broken into 7 sub-categories:

Earning Codes

The Earning Codes category contains a master list of all Earning Codes for the employee and the corresponding rates.

YTD/LTD Earning Values

The year-to-date and lifetime-to-date earning amounts and units for the Earning Codes can be reviewed from here.

Previous Year Data

The total amount of earnings, deductions, benefits, and total eligible units for the previous year can be reviewed from here.

YTD/LTD Position Units

The year-to-date and lifetime-to-date units for each position worked by the employee can be reviewed from here.

Future Dated Rates

Future dated rates that are effect or planned to go in effect for the employee can be reviewed and maintained from here.

EI Earnings and Hours

The EI hours and earnings per pay-period can be reviewed here.

ROE Data Maintenance

From here records of employment (ROEs) can be extracted and maintained.

Earning Codes

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Figure 10. Overview of the Earning Codes category.

The Earning Codes category is a master list of all types of earnings that the employee can earn.

  • An Earning Code must be added to the Earning Codes of the Employee Profile before an employee can be paid using that code.

  • The default options for rate of pay for Each Earning code can be changed here.

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