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Employment Defaults

Employment defaults are user-defined groups of codes, fields, positions, earnings and deductions that would be common to a group of employees. Defining these defaults allows the application of the Employee Profile criteria to an entire group of employees at once whenever a change or addition occurs, or to create an Employee Profile for a new employee in one step.

When a new earning code is created and needs to be inserted for a particular Default Group the following steps needs to be done.

Step 1: In Canadian Payroll>Employer Payroll Tables>Employment Defaults>Maintain Employment Defaults, go to Tab Earnings and Insert the new Earning Code. As per screen shot below, earning code 052 has been inserted.

Step 2: Go to Re-Apply Employment Defaults

Go to Earnings tab and select the code that needs to be inserted for all employees who are in that particular Default Group.

To check which employees will be affected select the option “Report Changes only”

This will not replace but will display a list of employees for whom it will be replaced.

Once you notice that everything is good, you can select the option “Report And Apply Changes” and click on OK.

The changes will be made by the system. In this case it will add the code to all employees in that Default group only.

As per the set up above it will replace for all Active and Inactive Employees.

To Insert for only Active Employees, you would need to click on “Filter” as per screen shot above.

Next Step would be to click on “Insert”

Select Field: Active

Condition “=”


This set up will replace for Active Employees only.

We suggest to always copy your production to your test database and test it in you test environment before doing it in the production database.

The Active button on Re-Apply Employment Defaults tab

If this button is ticked, the system will change the Active status on the code on the Employees profile based on the status that is on the code in the Employment Defaults.

As per screen shot below Code 010 has Active Status “Yes”. On any of the employee’s profile if the status is “No” the system will change it to “Yes”

Some additional Information on Earning Defaults to Re-Apply from the manual.

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