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Set Up Expense Reimbursement on ASSP

Do you want to empower your employees to submit expenses for reimbursements? The following will guide you through setting up expense reimbursements on the Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP).

Before setting up expense reimbursements on ASSP, please ensure:

  • You’ve downloaded the Time Entry Template Expense Template.xml. This can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this article.

  • You have an Expense Earning Code set up in the company and added to the employees. Don’t have an earning code for expenses? Go to Setting up an Expense Reimbursement Earning Code for more information.

  • You have a Document Type specifically for expenses, if required. Don’t have a Document Type created for expenses? Go to Document Types for more information.  

How to Enable File Upload on Time Entry

Complete the following to allow file upload in Time Entry.

Step 1: Navigate to the Time Entry tab under the Options Tab in Payroll Parameters
By default, this can be found on the Options tab in Canadian Payroll >> Installation and Maintenance.

Step 2: Select Allow time entry documents if not selected, then click OK to save your changes.

How to Update the Allowed Document Types for Upload

By default, employees can select any document type when uploading documents in Time Entry on ASSP.

Additional Information
Employees can only select document types if they have User Group Access, Insert Responsibility, and View Responsibility.

To restrict which document types are available for selection on ASSP, identify the Document Type IDs which should be available.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal and select the Company Settings tab and enter AllowedTimeEntryDocumentTypes into search.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Select Edit

Step 3: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Document Types to make available for selection when a document is uploaded on Time Entry and Approve Time Entry, then click Save.

How to Import the Time Entry Template

Step 1: Select File >> Import in Time Entry Templates on the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Web Services >> Installation and Maintenance.

Step 2: Navigate to the location you saved the Expense Template.xml. This file can be found at the bottom of this article. Select Open.

Step 3: Enter the View ID, then select OK.

Additional Information
The View ID will also populate the Template Name. 

  • View ID is for identification purposes within the Avanti Desktop and cannot be modified later. 

  • The Name appears on the tab employees select when entering their expenses on ASSP. You can update the Name at any time. 

Step 4: Select the Expenses Template you imported, then select Modify if it’s not open. You’re ready to start updating the display.

How to Update the Imported Template

Once you’ve imported the template, you can configure it by:  

  • Updating the label on the time entry tab

  • Updating the allowed expense entry dates

  • Updating the expenses earning code

  • Updating the column names

  • Making the receipt optional

  • Only displaying expense entries

How to Update the Label of the Tab on ASSP

The label will default to the View ID entered when you imported when the user is logged into ASSP in English and ‘Frais’ when the user logs into ASSP in French.

If you’re satisfied with these labels, skip ahead to Allowed Entry Dates.

Step 1: Update Name and French Name on the View tab, then select Apply to save your changes:

  • Adjust the Name to the text you’d like to display when the user logs into ASSP in English.

  • Adjust the French Name to the text you’d like to show when the user logs into ASSP in French.

How to Update the Allowed Entry Dates

By default, employees can enter an expense for any date between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2030. If you're satisfied with these dates, skip ahead to the How to Update the Expenses Earning Code section.

Step 1: Enter the desired range in Date Range Options on the View tab, then click Apply to save your changes.

How to Update the Expenses Earning Code

If your expenses earning code is 290, you can skip ahead to How to Update the Column Names section.

If your expenses earning code is not 290, you must update the template to match the expenses earning code.

Step 1: Open the template by double-clicking on the Expenses Template Id on the Templates tab.

Step 2: Navigate to the Fields tab and double-click on Earning Code.

Step 3: In Default Value, choose the expense earning code, then select OK.

Additional Information
If there isn’t an earning code for expenses, go to Employee Expense Reimbursement with Payroll
 for more information.

Step 4: Select Apply to save the changes to the Expenses Template.

How to Update the Column Names

By default, three columns will display on ASSP:

ASSP Column (English)

ASSP Column (French) 

Field on the Template

Expense Date

date de dépense

Earning Date

Total Amount

Montant total



le recu


If you're satisfied with these column labels, skip ahead to the How to Make Receipts Optional section.

To change a label, identify the Field on the Template for the ASSP Column from the list above.

Step 1: Open the template by double-clicking on the Expense Template Id on the Templates tab if it is not already open. 

Step 2: Navigate to the Fields tab and double-click on the corresponding ‘Field on the Template’ for the column you’d like to update.

Step 3: Update the appropriate label, then select OK to save your changes.

  • Column Header determines what displays on ASSP in English.

  • Column Header Fr determines what displays on ASSP in French.

Step 4: Repeat Step 2 and 3 for each column you’d like to change then select Apply to save your changes.

How to Make Receipts Optional

By default, employees entering an expense must upload a supporting document, such as a receipt. If you want the receipt to be required, skip to the How to Only Display Expense Entries section below.

To make the supporting document optional, complete the following:

Step 1: Open the template by double-clicking on the Expense Template Id on the Templates tab if it is not already open. 

Step 2: Double click on Documents on the Fields Tab of the Expense Template.

Step 3: Deselect Required, then select OK to save.

Step 4: Select Apply to save the changes to the Expenses Template.

How to Only Display Expense Entries

If your expenses earning code is 290, you can skip to the How to Restrict Expenses on other Time Entry Templates section below.

If your expenses earning code is not 290, complete the following steps to display only expense entries.

Step 1: Open the template by double-clicking on the Expense Template Id on the Templates tab if it is not already open. 

Step 2: Navigate to the Filter Tab and double-click on the filter.

Step 3: Update the Value to the Expense Earning Code. Select OK to save your changes.

Step 4: Select OK to save the changes to the Expenses Template.

Congratulations! Employees can now enter their expenses on ASSP for reimbursement.

How to Restrict Expenses on other Time Entry Templates

Now that you successfully set up the expense reimbursement, you may need to prevent employees from entering expenses on other templates in ASSP. This is only necessary if:

  • There’s other templates with Time Data or Attendance Calendar as a Source


  • They don’t specify which earning codes are allowed on the other templates

Not sure whether this applies to you? The following will guide you through:

  • Confirming the Template Source

  • Restricting expense entries from being added on other templates

  • Preventing expense entries from displaying on other templates

How to Confirm the Template Source

You’ll only need to update Time Entry Templates with a Time Data or Attendance Calendar source, as there’s no pay code for the Expense Earning Code.

To determine the source of your previously existing Time Entry Templates, please complete the following:

Important Information
Complete the steps below for each template other than the expense template.

Step 1: Select a Time Entry Template View, then select Modify. 

Step 2: Open the template by double-clicking on a Template Id on the Templates tab.

Step 3: Navigate to the Template tab and confirm if the Source.

Step 4: Repeat Step 2 to 3 above for each template in the View. 

Step 5: Please complete Steps 1 to 4 for each Time Entry View.

How to Prevent Adding Expense Entries

This section guides you through preventing users from entering expenses on other time entry templates.

Step 1: Navigate to the Fields tab.
This can be accessed by double-clicking on a Template on the Templates Tab of Time Entry Templates.

Step 2: Double-click on Earning Code.

Step 3: If there are already filters defined in Filter by Pay Group, review the earning codes selected to ensure the Expense Earning code is not listed in the earning codes section.

Step 4: Select … beside the Pay Code.

Step 5: Double-click on All to move it to the Selected column. Select OK to Save.

Step 6: Select beside Earning Code.

Step 7: Select the arrow to move all the earning codes to the Selected column.

Step 8: Select your Expenses Earning Code and select the arrow to remove it from the Selected column. Select OK to save your changes.

Step 9: Select OK, then OK again on the Earning Code field to save the changes.

Congratulations! Employees can no longer add expenses using this template.

How to Remove Expense Entries from the Display

This section will guide you through preventing the display of expense entries on the template.

Important Information
We recommend removing all entries employees cannot be updated or added from the display; otherwise, users may accidentally update it with a different earning code.    

Step 1: Navigate to the Filter tab. This can be accessed by double-clicking on a Template on the Templates Tab of Time Entry Templates.

Step 2: If there are already filters for Clock Time Data Earning Deduct Code or Payroll Time Data Employee Earning/Deduction Code, review the earning codes.  

  • If the Expenses Earning is not included in the filter, congratulations! No further changes are required for this template. Please go to the How to Restrict Expenses on other Time Entry Templates section above and review the remaining templates.

  • If there are no filters defined with Clock Time Data Earning Deduct Code or Payroll Time Data Employee Earning/Deduction Code, follow the steps below to create one.

Step 3: Select Define.

Step 3: Select Insert.

Step 4: To create the field:

  • Select EarnDeductCode in Field.

  • Select <> in Condition.

  • Enter the expenses earning code or select it from the dropdown.

Step 5: Select OK to save the filter, then click Exit.

Congratulations! Expenses will no longer display on this template.

If you haven't reviewed all the templates, go to the How to Restrict Expenses on other Time Entry Templates section above to review your remaining templates.

How to Reload Web Settings

Once you’ve finished setting up expenses, you’ll need to reload the settings so your changes take effect.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal and select Reload Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Congratulations! You’re all done setting up expenses on ASSP.

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