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Compensation Overview

Compensation gives your employees insight into their pay, complete with an interactive summary and detailed breakdown of their pay, deductions, and benefits.

Past pays in Avanti are available for employees to review, except for cancelled pays. Employees can conveniently access their pay statements in PDF format by simply selecting PDF.

Are you already using the latest version of pay statements? Check out what’s changed in the Compensation Transition Guide.

Get Familiar with Compensation

Employees can review their pay period information, and the year-to-date amounts up to payday.

Compensation is divided into two categories, Take Home Pay and Benefits.

Take Home Pay

Cash Compensation
This details all the employee’s earnings with a year-to-date amount that is included on the breakdown, unless there are no earnings during the pay period and Suppress statement printing when earning amt = 0 is selected on the earning code.

Deducted from pay
All deductions with a year-to-date amount display in Compensation.


Taxable Benefits
Displays all benefits which result in additional taxes with a year-to-date and don’t have Suppress printing benefit on statement selected on the Deduction/Benefit Code.

Non-Taxable Benefits
Includes all remaining benefits with a year-to-date that don’t have Suppress printing benefit on statement selected on the Deduction/Benefit Code.

Employees can also view a PDF of their pay statement from Compensation, which they can save or print for their records. The PDF is the same as the statement displayed in Payment Inquiry on the Avanti Desktop.

Compensation Emails

You can allow employees to email themselves a password-protected PDF copy of their pay info. The email will go to their pay statement email. Employees without a pay statement email will receive it at their primary email address. Tailor the email message to your company’s style, whether in English or French. You can even use HTML to craft the perfect message. Go to the Compensation Setup Guide for more information on emails.


Compensation Security

The PDF with all the pay information can be password protected for additional security. Check out the Compensation Setup Guide for more information.

If you’re allowing employees to email themselves a PDF copy of their pay info, it’s always password-protected.

  • If the employee has a statement password, it’ll be used to password-protect the emailed file.

  • If the employee doesn’t have a statement password, it’s protected using the Default Email Statement Password Mask. You can update this from the Avanti Desktop on the Basic tab in Payroll Parameters.

Who can view Compensation?

Employees can only see their own pay information in the Compensation tab. Managers and Regular Users cannot view other employees’ pay information here.

Compensation doesn’t display if there’s no employee attached to the user or if the employee doesn’t have Enable Web Services selected on the Personal tab of the Employee Profile.

If you want managers and regular users to access employees’ pay information, you can enable Pay Statements. Employees won’t have access to Pay Statements if Compensation is set up.

Which Pays Display?

You decide which pays to display by setting the initial pay date. All past pays after this date displays in Compensation, except for cancelled pays.

Ready to Get Started?

Compensation replaces Pay Statements, so Pay Statements can’t be accessed from the ASSP once Compensation is set up.

Want to learn more about how Compensation differs from Pay Statements? Check out the Compensation Transition Guide to find out what’s changed and start using Compensation.

If you’re not set up for Pay Statements on ASSP but want to start using Compensation, go to our Compensation Setup Guide.

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