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Balance Your Receiver General and Quebec Remittances

You can ensure your CRA and RQ remittances are correct by balancing your Receiver General and Quebec Remittances before running year-end. It’s ideal to do this before year-end to make any necessary adjustments during the correct payroll year. Once printed, you can compare it to the T4 Review Listing and the RL-1 Review Listing tax slip summary.

This article will guide you through using Vendor Remittance to create reports for Receiver General and Quebec Remittances. These reports gather the amounts from your pay history to ensure accuracy.

If you don’t have vendor remittance set up for Receiver General or Quebec Remittances, go to Set Up Vendor Remittance for Receiver General or Set Up Vendor Remittance for Quebec Receiver Remittances for more information.

Receiver General Overview

The Receiver General Vendor Remittance will provide a report for each business number by remittance period:

  • Employee Count

  • CPP

  • eCPP2

  • EI

  • Tax

  • Control Amount, the sum of CPP, EI and Tax

  • Payments, if tracked in Avanti

  • Balance, the difference between the control amount and the payments

Quebec Remittance Overview

The Receiver General Vendor Remittance will provide a report for each business number by remittance period:

  • Gross Payroll

  • Tax

  • QPP

  • eQPP2

  • Health

  • QPIP

  • Subtotal, the sum of Tax, QPP, Health and QPIP

  • CSST

  • Control Amount, the sum of Tax, QPP, Health, QPIP and CSST

  • Payments, if tracked in Avanti

  • Balance, the difference between the Control Amount and the Payment

Vendor Remittance

Step 1: Open Vendor Remittance in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Payroll Reports.


Step 2: Select the Remitter Code, then select Modify.

Additional Information
The Remitter Type
 should either be Receiver General or Quebec Receiver. 


Step 3: Select 2023 for Year, if it’s not selected.

Additional Information
If 2023 isn’t available in Year, the year hasn’t been set up yet. Go to Update the Vendor Remittance Reports
 for more information on adding 2023.

Step 4: Select Print.

Step 5: On the Printer Setup tab, click on Save As, if not already selected. Then select the file type to save the report as in Format.

Step 6: Navigate to the location where the file should be saved and create a unique file name for the report.

Step 7: If you want to open the file immediately, select Open file after saving, then click on Save. 

Step 8: Repeat Steps 2 to 7 for each business number for the Receiver General and Employer ID for Quebec Remittances.

Creating the 2023 Review Listing

If this is the first time running the Review Listings in 2023, you must complete the following before you can Extract the Employee Data.

If you’ve previously viewed the review listing in 2023, the following must be done to update the Review Listings with the most recent pays processed:

How to Create the 2023 Transmitter Data

You only need to complete this if you have not previously extracted the tax slip information for 2023.

Step 1: Open Modify Transmitter Data and select Insert in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.

Step 2: Enter 2023 for Year, if it's not already 2023.

Step 3: Confirm that the Employer Name, Address, City, Province, and Postal Code are correct. 

  • If incorrect, update to the correct information.

Additional Information
These fields populate from the information found in Employer Information. If the values are incorrect, it’s best practice to update there as well. 
By default, Employer Information can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance. 

Step 4: Select the correct Transmitter Type.

  • Submit on behalf of others: Service bureaus use this option.

  • Submit on your own behalf: Companies filing their own tax slips use this option.

  • You are a software vendor: Software vendors use this option.

Step 5: Enter your Transmitter ID.

Step 6: Confirm that the Contact Person, Phone, and Language are correct and enter their email.

  • If incorrect, update to the correct information.

Additional Information
These fields populate from the information found in Employer Information. If the values are incorrect, it’s best practice to update there as well. 
By default, Employer Information can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance. 

Step 7: If you have employees in Quebec, enter the Transmitter ID and Enterprise Number. 

Step 8: Select OK to save your changes.

Congratulations! You have created the transmitter data for 2023.

How to Create 2023 Tax Slip Groups

You only need to complete this if you haven’t previously extracted the tax slip information for 2023.

Step 1: Open Modify Tax Slip Groups in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Additional Information
If 2023 isn’t available in Tax Year, please add the Transmitter Data for 2023.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.

Step 3: If this is your first time adding Tax Slip Groups in 2023, select Yes to copy the 2022 groups.

Step 4: Select the tax slip groups relevant for 2023, then select OK to create the groups.

Great job! You’ve created your 2023 Tax Slip Groups.

Important Information
If you added a new pay group in 2023, you may need to create a new tax slip group or recreate an existing tax slip group to include the pay group. 

If you are unsure about how to do this, we’re here to help! Please contact Client Care for assistance.

How to Extract the Employees Tax Slip Data

Complete the following to include the latest pay information in the tax slips.

Step 1: Open Extract Employee Tax Slip Data in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select all the Tax Slip Groups. 

Step 4: Select Extract From History, if not already selected then click OK to extract.

Step 5: Review the messages in Results and make any required adjustments.

How to Validate the Tax Slip Data

Step 1: Open Validate Tax Slip Data in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select all the Tax Slip Groups.

Step 4: Select OK to extract.

Step 5: Review the messages in Results and make any adjustments required.

How to Print the T4 Review Listing

Step 1: Open T4 Review Listing in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Review Listings.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select all the Tax Slip Groups with the same Business Number.

Step 4: Select Print Total Only if it’s not selected.

Step 5: Select Combine Provinces if it’s not selected.

Step 6: On the Printer Setup tab, select Save As, if not already selected.

Step 7: Navigate to the location the file should be saved and create a unique file name for the report.

Step 8: Select the type of file you want to save the report as in Format. 

Step 9: If you want to open the file immediately, select Open file after saving, then click OK to create the report.

Step 10: Repeat Steps 2 to 9 for each tax slip group with a different business number.

How to Print the RL-1 Review Listing

Step 1: Open RL-1 Review Listing in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Review Listings.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select all the Tax Slip Groups with the same QC Employer ID.

Step 4: Select Print Total Only if it’s not selected.

Step 5: On the Printer Setup tab, select Save As, if not already selected.

Step 6: Navigate to the location the file should be saved, and create a unique file name for the report.

Step 7: Select the type of file you want to save the report as in Format.

Step 8: If you want to open the file immediately, select Open file after saving. Then click Save to create the report.

Step 9: Repeat Steps 2 to 8 for each tax slip group with a different QC Employer ID.

Compare the Reports

Compare the totals of the Receiver General to the T4 Review Listing and the Quebec Remittance to the RL-1 Review listing. These should be compared by business numbers and Quebec Employer IDs, respectively.

Additional Information
You may notice a difference between Box 14 on the summary and Gross Payroll on the remittance report. This is expected. Gross payroll is comprised of the earning codes that are not type other and all taxable benefits. This may not align with what populate Box 14. 

Did you notice any other discrepancies between these reports? We’re here to help! Please contact Client Care for assistance.

If your reports balanced, congratulations! Looking for more information on balancing your year-end? Go to Balance Your Year-End.

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