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Schedule Pooling Setup Guide

With Schedule Pooling, you put employees in control of their schedule by allowing them to post a shift for others to work and request to work another’s shift.

Getting started with Schedule Pooling is easy! All you need to do is:

  • Set up Schedule Pooling Rules

  • Decide which Pay Codes can be posted for another to work

  • Update your Works Groups

  • Assign employees to Work Groups

Additional Information
Assign employees to Work Groups is only required if you haven’t already done so.

Want to learn more about Schedule Pooling before getting started? Visit the Schedule Pooling Overview for more information.

How to Set Up Pooling Rules

Step 1: Open Schedule Pooling Rules in the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Time & Attendance >> Installation & Maintenance.

Step 2: Select Insert.

Step 3: Fill out a Rule ID and Description.

Step 4: By default, employees’ names aren’t shown to other employees. If you’d like employee information to display, select Yes for Show Employee in Posting.

Additional Information
Managers can always view employee information; this only impacts what other employees can see in Schedule Pooling.

Step 5: Select Approval Required for Posting Approval if you’d like a manager to approve a post before adding it to the Schedule Pool.

Additional Information
Employees can only see and request to work posted schedules in the Schedule Pool.

Step 6: Select when the post will expire based on the schedule’s start time.

Additional Information
The post will remain available in the Schedule Pool for employees to submit pickup and exchange requests until a request to work the shift is approved or the post expires.

Step 7: Select the minimum number of hours managers should wait before approving a request to work a posted schedule.

Additional Information
This is the amount of time, in hours, since the employee posted the schedule. It won’t prevent managers from approving a request; it only displays a warning message. 

Step 8: If you’d like employees only to place pickup requests, deselect Allow Exchanges. By default, employees can request to pickup and exchange schedules.

Step 9: When you are satisfied with your changes, select OK.

You can create as many additional Schedule Pooling Groups as you would like.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Schedule Pooling Rules.

How to Set Which Pay Code can be Pooled

From training to vacation, there’s likely some time you don’t want included in the Schedule Pool. You can help prevent mistakes from happening by setting which Pay Codes can be pooled.

Step 1: Open Pay Codes in the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Time & Attendance >> Installation & Maintenance.


Step 2: Select a Pay Code, then select Modify.


Step 3: Take a look at Allow Posting to see if it’s correct for the pay code. Update if it’s incorrect.

Additional Information
If there’s a checkmark beside Allow Posting, employees and managers can add time with the Pay Code to the Schedule Pool. If not, time with the Pay Code cannot be added to the Schedule Pool.


Step 4: Select OK.


Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 to 4 for each Pay Code.

How to Set Up Work Groups

Once you add the Schedule Pooling Rule to the Work Group, all employees in the Work Group can start posting and requesting to work a shift.

Step 1: Open Work Groups in the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Time & Attendance >> Installation & Maintenance.

Step 2: Select the desired Work Group, then select Modify.

Step 3: Select your desired Schedule Pooling rule from the dropdown.

Step 4: Select OK.

Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 to 4 for each work group that should allow Schedule Pooling.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Work Groups for Schedule Pooling. If all your employees using schedules are in a Work Group you’re ready to set up Notifications. Go to Notifications when Post is About to Expire for more information.

How to Assign Employees to Work Groups

If your employees aren’t already assigned to Work Groups, this section will guide you through adding one to an employee.

Additional Information
All the settings in the Work Group will apply, not just the Schedule Pooling setup.

Step 1: Open Employee Profile in the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employee Profile.

Step 2: Open Employment Data.

Step 3: Select the Employee.

Step 4: Select the desired Work Group.

Step 5: Select Apply.

Congratulations! You have successfully assigned the employee to a Work Group. You can repeat Steps 3 to 5 for any employee missing a Work Group.

You’re all set up and ready to start using Schedule Pooling! If you’d like to set up Schedule Pooling Notifications, go to Notifications when Post is About to Expire for more information.

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