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Tax Slip Setup on ASSP & Avanti Go

Once you save your tax slip images, you can distribute them to employees in one of the following ways:

  • Mail to your employee’s home address

  • Email to employees

  • Allow access to slips on the Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP) and Avanti Go

Important Information
Employees must have access to their tax slips by the end of February for CRA and RQ compliance. When the last day of February falls on a weekend, employees must have their tax slips on March 1. 

This article will guide you through setting up Tax Slips on ASSP and Avanti Go:

  • Verifying Web Menu Items Required for Electronic Tax Slips

  • Adjusting Settings

  • Enabling Employee Access to Tax Slips

How to Adjust the Tax Slip Settings

Once you have added Tax Slips to the menu, you can set up to:

  • Determine which tax slips are displayed

  • Display an additional message

  • Allow employees to email themselves a copy of the tax slips

  • Password protect the tax slips

You can also update when this year’s tax slips will be available on ASSP and Avanti Go. For more information, please go to Delay Tax Slips Display on ASSP and Avanti Go.

How to Set Tax Slips Displayed

You can determine what tax slip years will be displayed on ASSP and Avanti Go.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 


Step 2: Enter TaxSlipForms in the Search.


Step 3: Select Edit for TaxSlipForms.MinimumYear.

Step 4: Update the Value to the first year of tax slips you wish to display.

Additional Information 
Only tax slips generated in Avanti for this year or later will display on Tax Slip Forms in ASSP and Avanti Go. 

Step 5: Select Save.

Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Nice job! You’ve updated which tax slips display on ASSP and Avanti Go.

How to Display an Additional Message

When employees select to view one of their tax slips on ASSP, you can display a message, such as:

  • Don’t forget to file your taxes by the end of April.

  • Have questions about your tax slips? Please call the payroll team.

  • Unsure why box 40 is so high? This includes all income and taxable benefits, such as your car and fitness allowance.

Additional Information
This message isn’t displayed on the Avanti Go. 

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings if it’s not already open.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 


Step 2: Enter TaxSlipForms in the Search.


Step 3: Select Edit for TaxSlipForms.WarningMessage.

Step 4: Update the Value to the message you want to display.

Additional Information 
This message will display when employees select View. 

Step 5: Select Save.

Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Congratulations! You’ve added a message for display on ASSP.

How to Email Tax Slips

You can allow employees to email themselves a PDF copy of their tax slips on ASSP. Allowing this will also enable employees to email themselves copies of their pay statements and the pay statement PDF in Compensation.

An emailed tax slip is always password-protected to provide additional security. The tax slip is password-protected using the employee’s password statement if they’ve created one. The Default Email Statement Password Mask will password-protect the tax slip if they haven’t created a statement password. If you’re an Avanti Administrator, you can define the default mask on the Basic tab of Payroll Parameters in the Avanti Desktop.

Email must be set up on your ASSP to use this feature. If you haven’t set up email on ASSP, reach out to Client Care, and we’d be happy to help you set this up.

Additional Information
Employees can’t email their tax slips on Avanti Go; instead, they can download them to their phone. 

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on the ASSP and select Company Settings if it’s not already open.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 


Step 2: Enter EnableEmail in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit for EnableEmail.

Step 4: To enable email, select the checkbox beside Value.

Additional Information 
This also allows employees to email themselves copies of their Pay Statements.

Step 5: Select Save.

Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Congratulations! Emailing tax slips is now set up.

How to Password Protect Tax Slips

You can set up passwords to be required, optional, or not used when employees view their tax slips on ASSP and Avanti Go.

Additional Information
Don’t worry if you haven’t set up Reset Statement Passwords yet. We’ll guide you through the process later in the article. 

  • Required: Employees must use their statement password to view their tax slips. The password is the Default Email Statement Password for employees who haven’t created a password.

  • Optional: Employees who have created a statement password must enter it to view their tax slips. The slip displays immediately for employees who haven’t created a password.

  • Not Used: Employees never have to enter their password to view their tax slips.

By default, passwords are required; all employees will need to enter one to view their tax slip. If you’re happy with this security, skip to Enable Employee Access.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings if it’s not already open. By default, this can be found in Administration. 


Step 2: Enter TaxSlipForms in the Search.


Step 3: Select Edit for TaxSlipForms.RequirePdfPasswordProtection.

Step 4: Deselect the checkbox beside Value.

Step 5: Select Save.

  • Right now, your passwords are optional for tax slips; employees only have to enter one if they’ve created it. If you’re happy with this, skip to Step 9.

Step 6: To use passwords, select Edit for TaxSlipForms.UsePdfPasswordProtection.

Step 7: Deselect the checkbox beside Value if you don’t want the slips password-protected.

Step 8: Select Save.

Step 9: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Congratulations! You’re all done setting up password requirements.

How to Enable Employee Access

For an employee to access their tax slips on the ASSP and Avanti Go, Electronic Tax Slips must be selected on the Personal tab of the Employee Profile.

If you need to select Electronic Tax Slips for multiple employees, you can use Re-apply Employment Defaults. Go to Update Employee Information for All Employees for more information.

How to Verify Menus for Electronic Tax Slips

Two web menu items are needed and must be up-to-date for employees to access their Tax Slips on the ASSP.

  • Tax Slip Forms: This is where employees can view, print, and email their tax slips.

  • Change Statement Password: This allows employees to change the password required to access and view tax slips. Add this beneath Settings.

    Additional Information
    If your tax slips are not password-protected, don’t add Change Statement Password to your menu. 

For more information on adding the menus, go to How to Add New Items to Your Avanti Menus.

Important Information
If you already have Tax Slip Forms on your menu, be sure to confirm whether you’re using the latest version. Go to How to Add New Items to Your Avanti Menus
 and Review the Menu Differences for more information. 

How to Add Tax Slips on the Avanti Go Menu

For employees to access their Tax Slips on the Avanti Go, all that’s left is adding it to the mobile menu.

Step 1: Select Display Update Menu in the Mobile Menu on the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in System Administration >> System Menu. 

Additional Information
Once you select Display Update Menu, an additional column, Update Menu, will display. The Update Menu
 displays all the available menu items.


Step 2: Right-click on Tax Slips and select Add New in Avanti Menu


Step 3: If you want everyone to access Tax Slips, skip to Step 8; otherwise, select Hide Update Menu.


Step 4: Right-click on Tax Slips and select Modify.

Additional Information
The descriptions on Avanti Go cannot be changed.


Step 5: Select * from the Selected column and click the arrow to move it to the Available column.


Step 6: Select a User Group that should have access on the Available column and click the arrow to move it to the Selected Column.


Step 7: Repeat Step 6 until all the User Groups that should have access are in the Selected section. Then click OK to save your changes.

Step 8: Select OK to close the Mobile Menu.


Well done! You’re finished setting up the mobile menu for Avanti Go. Tax Slips will appear within You.


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