Before running Year-End, it is crucial to confirm that all manual and cancelled payments have been processed and updated. This ensures the payments are completed during the correct payroll year, resulting in accurate year-to-date totals for employees.
How to Ensure Manual Cheques are Processed
Step 1: Open Manual Cheques in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Manual/Cancelled Payments.
Step 2: Confirm whether there are payments with a cheque date in 2023.
If there isn’t, select Exit to close Manual Cheques. You have completed the review of manual payments.
Step 3: If there are manual payments with cheque dates in 2023, determine if they need to be processed.
If they should be processed, process the manual cheques in Process Pay Run.
If they shouldn’t be processed, select the manual cheques, then select Delete. This will permanently remove the manual cheque.
Step 4: Complete Step 3 for each manual cheque with a Cheque Date in 2023.
Step 5: Select Exit to close manual cheques. You have completed the review of manual payments!
How to Ensure Cancelled Payments are Processed
Step 1: Open Cancelled Payments in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Manual/Cancelled Payments.
Step 2: Confirm if there are cancelled payments with a Pay Ending Date in 2023.
If there are no cancelled payments, select Exit to close Cancelled Payments.
Congratulations, you have completed the review of manual cheques and cancelled payments. The next step in the Year-End process is Pay Out Entitlements.
Step 3: If there are cancelled payments, determine if the cancelled payment needs to be processed.
If the entry should be processed, process the cancelled payment in Process Pay Run.
If the entry shouldn’t be processed, select the cancelled payment, then select Delete. This will permanently remove the cancelled payment.
Step 4: Complete Step 3 for each cancelled payment with a pay ending date in 2023.
Step 5: Select Exit to close Cancelled Payments.
Great job, you have completed the review of manual cheques and cancelled payments. The next step in the Year-End process is Pay Out Entitlements.