The Clock Connect Log provides insight into what’s happening on your clocks at any time. Whether you want to confirm an employee’s punch or view who accessed the menu, the log has your answers.
The log is only for the selected clock. It displays the most recent activity at the end of the file. When you select Refresh Log, all the newest entries load and you’ll see the bottom of the log, where the latest entries display.
Once you’ve created the log, you can either:
Use the Clock Functions in the Log to identify when an activity occurred on the clock.
Are you looking for information about when something was done on the clock, such as verifying when an employee punched? This section identifies the log entry for the activity, which you can use to search the log.Use the Clock Connect Terms to troubleshoot errors.
This is a list of all the terms found in the Clock Connect log.
When you want to know what something from the log means, you can look up the term here. The listing is in alphabetical order, so you can quickly find what you’re looking for.
How to Create the Clock Connect Log File
Step 1: Open Clock Connect on the Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP).
Additional Information
Unsure where to find Clock Connect? Enter Clock into Search and it’ll direct you to the right place.
Step 2: On the Log File tab, select the Clock ID of the clock.
Step 3: Update the number of Minutes, Hours, or Days to ensure the log spans the correct timeframe.
Step 4: Select View Log File.
Additional Information
Once the log displays, you can save the log by copying the text into a file, such as a Word document.
Great! You’ve created the log.
Clock Functions in the Log
Are you looking for log entries for a specific function on the clock, such as when someone accessed the clock menu? This section identifies what the log entries look like for each clock process.
Once you’ve identified the text, you can search the log file using (ctrl + F) to find the relevant entries in the log.
Last Connection to the Clock
The final log entry is the Last Heartbeat, which displays the date and time of the most recent communication between Avanti and the clock. You can find this at the end of the log file.
Getting Users From the Clock
Getting all users from the clock creates four entries, plus an entry for each person enrolled. It also lists each employee using fingerprint identification.
Depending on the employees enrolled on the clock, getting employees may take up to an hour.
The 1st entry has QueryAllUsers in Log Reason, then Command DATA QUERY USERINFO in the Log String.
The 2nd and 3rd entries have CommandSent in Log Reason, verifying that the clock received the request.
Next, there’s a set of entries with SaveUser in Log Reason. There’s an entry for each employee on the clock.
If the employee is unassigned to identity on the clock, Saved unassigned enrollment PIN= displays in the Log String.
If an Avanti employee is assigned, Saved user data PIN=10 EmpNo: Name: displays in the Log String.
Additional entries display for each fingerprint on the clock. SaveFingerprint displays in Log Reason. Saved fingerprint template PIN= displays in Log String.
The last entry displays CommandCompleted in Log Reason and DATA QUERY USERINFO in Log String.
Sending Users To the Clock
Sending employees to the clock creates an entry for each employee. The Log Reason displays Command Sent.
The Log String displays their: PIN, Name, Password, and Card Number. Pri is 0 if the employee has check-in/out access and 14 if the employee has menu access.
Sending an Employee to the Clock
The 1st set of entries have CommandSent in Log Reason and sends a request to:
Delete the user, fingerprint, and face displays: DATA DELETE USERINFO PIN= in the Log String.
Update the user, fingerprint, and face displays: DATA UPDATE USERINFO PIN= in the Log String.
The 2nd entry also has CommandSent in Log Reason, with OK in the Log String, indicating the clock received the request.
The last set of entries displays CommandCompleted in Log Reason, with the user’s information.
Additional Information
If the clock couldn’t complete a request, the Log Reason is DeviceCmdResponse, and the Log String explains why the request failed.
Send All Users to the Clock
Depending on the number of employees in the company, this may take up to an hour. The PIN identifies the employee updated on the clock.
The 1st set of entries lists all the employees sent to the clock. CommandSent is in Log Reason, with DATA UPDATE USERINFO PIN= in the Log String.
Once all employees are sent to the clock, you’ll see CommandSent in Log Reason and OK in the Log String.
The 3rd set of entries list each user with CommandComplete in Log Reason. The Log String displays the user who updated successfully in DATA UPDATE USERINFO PIN=.
Once all the Users are updated, an entry with SendAllUsers in Log Reason displays. The Log String has the number of employees sent to the clock and the clock name in Sent users to clock.
If your employees have fingerprints, an additional entry displays for each employee’s fingerprint. CommandSent displays in the Reason Log, with DATA UPDATE FINGERTMP PIN= in the Log String.
Once all the fingerprints are sent, an entry with CommandSent in Log Reason and OK in the Log String.
The last set of entries display CommandComplete in Log Reason, verifying that each fingerprint updated successfully. The Log String has DATA UPDATE FINGERTMP PIN=.
Clear All Users on Clock
The log has four entries when you’ve deleted all the users from the clock.
The first entry has Log Reason DeleteAllUsers.
The following two entries have CommandSent in Log Reason, showing the request was sent to the clock.
The final entry is CommandComplete in Log Reason, confirming that all the employees were deleted from the clock.
Clock Connects or Reconnects to Avanti
Two entries display when the clock reconnects to Avanti or connects for the first time.
The first entry displays Log Reason CDataGetAction, and Log String includes options= and pushver=.
SN is the clock’s serial number, and pushver displays the firmware on the clock.
The second entry shows ConfigurationSent in Log Reason, and the Log String contains the clock’s settings.
Log into Clock Menu
When a user logs into the menu, LoginToClockMenu displays in Log Reason.
If the clock menu isn’t restricted, Log String displays User has logged into open clock menu. Please set one user as security for clock. For more information on restricting access, go to Restrict Access to uFace 800 Clock Menus.
If the clock menu is restricted, User ClockPIN: logged into clock menu displays. The PINS identifies the person who accessed the menu.
Employee Punch
When an employee punches in or out on a clock, SavePunch displays in the Log Reason. The employee’s PIN with the punch date and time appears in the Log String.
Additional Information
To locate an employee’s punch, select (CTRL F) for PIN=12345, where 12345 is the person’s clock PIN.
Time Updated on the Clock
Once an hour, we’ll automatically adjust the clock’s time to the server time.
The first entry, CDataGetAction displays in Log Reason. The Log String includes type=time.
The second entry shows the clock’s new time. The Log Reason displays SynchronizedTime, and the Log String displays Synchronized clock time to server.
Clock Connect Log Terms
Here, you’ll find all the terms from the Clock Connect Log. They are in alphabetical order by Log Reason, so you can quickly figure out what is happening on your clocks.
Log Reason | Log String | Description |
CDataGetAction | SN= options=all… | The clock is reconnecting to Avanti or connecting for the first time. |
SN= type=time | The clock’s time was updated. This happens once an hour, when the clock first connects to Avanti, or reconnects to Avanti. | |
CommandSent | DATA DELETE USERINFO PIN= | A request to delete the employee from the clock. |
DATA DELETE FINGERTMP PIN= | A request to delete the employee’s fingerprint from the clock. | |
DATA DELETE FACE PIN= | A request to delete the employee’s face from the clock. | |
DATA QUERY USERINFO | A request to get all the employee information from the clock. | |
DATA UPDATE USERINFO PIN=1 | A request to update the employee’s information on the clock. | |
DATA UPDATE FINGERTMP PIN= | A request to update the employee’s fingerprint on the clock. | |
DATA UPDATE FACE PIN= | A request to update the employee’s face on the clock. | |
OK | Confirmation that the request was sent to the clock. | |
CommandCompleted | DATA DELETE USERINFO | Confirms the employee was deleted from the clock. |
DATA DELETE FINGERTMP | Confirms the employee’s fingerprint was removed from the clock. | |
DATA DELETE FACE | Confirms the employee’s face was removed from the clock. | |
DATA QUERY USERINFO | Confirms the employee’s information was updated in Avanti. | |
DATA UPDATE USERINFO | Confirms the employee’s information was updated on the clock. | |
DATA UPDATE FINGERTMP | Confirms the employee’s fingerprint was updated on the clock. | |
DATA UPDATE FACE | Confirms the employee’s face was updated on the clock. | |
ConfigurationSent | GET OPTION FROM | The clock’s setup was updated. This happens when a clock first connects or reconnects to Avanti. |
DeleteAllUsers | DATA DELETE USERINFO | A request for the clock to delete all the users from the clock. |
Last Heartbeat | The last time the clock connected to Avanti. | |
LoginToClockMenu | User has logged into open clock menu | Someone accessed the clock menu when the menu isn’t restricted on the clock. |
User ClockPIN: logged into | Someone accessed the clock menu. | |
QueryAllUsers | DATA QUERY USERINFO | A request to get all the employee information from the clock. |
SavePunch | Saved punch PIN | An employee checked in or out on the clock, with the date and time. |
SaveUser | Saved user data PIN= | The employee’s clock information is saved in Avanti. |
SaveFingerprint | Saved fingerprint template PIN= | The employee’s fingerprint is saved in Avanti. |
SynchronizedTime | Synchronized clock time to server… | The clock’s time is updated. |