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How to Navigate the Menu in the Avanti Desktop

When you first open Avanti, you will see a screen similar to the one shown below. From the menu on the left, you can move between sections, navigate through sub-sections, and open different programs.

Avanti Navigation Menu

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Figure 1. The parts of the Avanti Navigation Menu.
1Program List

The programs and headers will be listed in the upper list here.

2Sections List

Sections available within Avanti will be listed here. Clicking on an item from the list will change what appears in the Program List.

3Any extra sections that would not fit on the Sections List will be listed as icons here. Clicking on an icon from this list will change what appears in the Program List.

Opening a Program from the Menu

When you have located a program in the Avanti Navigation Menu, you can double-click to open it.

You can also press the Enter key to open the selected program.
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1Double-click on an item in the Program List, and
2the program will open automatically.

Favourites Menu

From within the Sections List, you can store your favourite programs for quick access later. This menu is personalized per user, so everybody can have their own Favourites Menu.

Access the Favourites Menu from the Sections List by clicking on the icon.

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Figure 2. When you first use Avanti, the Favourites Menu will be empty.
There are two ways to add new items to the Favourites Menu:
  • Manually add programs to the Favourites Menu using the right-click menu.

  • Create the Favourites Menu automatically from your most used or recently used programs.

Favourites Right-click Menu

From the Program List, you can right-click on a program to open the right-click menu.

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From the right-click menu, you can select
1Add To Favourites to add the selected program to the Favourites Menu.
2Remove From Favourites to remove the selected program from the Favourites Menu

Build Favourites Menu

You can also let Avanti create your Favourites Menu for you, either from the programs you use most or your most recently used programs. 

  1. From the Program List, you can right-click on a program.

  2. From the menu, select Build Favourites to open the Build Favourites program.

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Build Favourites Options

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  1. Select which criteria to use when building the Favourites Menu.

  2. Select the number of menu items to generate.

  3. Select the number of parent menus to include above the menu items.

  4. Build the Favourites Menu by pressing OK now.


After building the Favourites Menu, you can quickly access any programs from it.

The Favourites Menu allows you to include programs from different sections.
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