Before running Year-End, it is crucial to confirm that all 2023 Payroll Batches have been completed, processed, and updated. This ensures the payments are completed during the right payroll year and year-to-dates are correct for your employees.
Step 1: Open Payroll Data Entry in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Payroll Data Entry.
Step 2: Confirm if there are batches with pay ending dates in 2023.
If there are none, select Exit to close Payroll Data Entry.
Congratulations! All 2023 payroll batches are processed. The next step in the Year-End process is to Ensure Payroll is Processed for the Last Pay of the Year.
Additional Information
If the pay ending date is in 2024, leave it as incomplete. It can’t be processed until Year-End is complete.
Step 3: If there are batches with a pay ending date in 2023, review a batch and determine if it needs to be paid.
If it needs to be paid in 2023, set the batch status to complete and process it in Process Pay Run.
Step 4: If it shouldn’t be paid, select the batch, then select Delete. You may need to change the batch status to incomplete in order to delete.
Step 5: Complete Step 3 and 4 for each payroll batch with a pay ending date in 2023.
Step 6: Select Exit to close Payroll Data Entry.
Important Information
If you have any Payroll Data Entry batches with a pay ending dates in 2024, they must be set to Incomplete to run Initialize Employee Totals.
You did it! All 2023 payroll batches are processed. The next step in the Year-End process is to Ensure Payroll is Processed for the Last Pay of the Year.