To ensure all values populate the correct tax slip boxes, review your earning and deduction/benefits codes before extracting your employee tax slip data.
During the Extract Employee Tax Slip Data step, employee information will be pulled from these earning and deduction/benefit codes to populate employee tax slips.
How to Review Earning Codes
Step 1: Open Earning Codes in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Right-click on any Earning Code and select Export to Excel or Export to OneDrive. This information is available for all of your earning codes.
Step 3: Navigate to where you’d like to save the file, enter the File name, and select Save.
Step 4: To open the file immediately, select Yes to Export Complete: Open File?
Step 5: Review the code for each type of tax slip you create, which can be found in columns M through T.
If you find any earning codes set up incorrectly, go to How To Update the Tax Slip Box on an Earning Code.
Great work. You’ve finished reviewing your earning codes.
How to Review Deduction/Benefit Codes
Step 1: Open Deduction/Benefit Codes in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Right-click on any code and select Export to Excel. All the information from this screen will be available for each of your deduction/benefit codes.
Step 3: Navigate to where you’d like to save the file, enter the file name, and select Save.
Step 4: To open the file immediately, select Yes to Export Complete: Open File?
Step 5: Review the code for each type of tax slip you create, which can be found in columns L through S.
If you find any codes set up incorrectly, go to How To Update the Tax Slip Box on a Deduction/Benefit Code.
Nice job! You’ve finished reviewing your Deduction/Benefit Codes.
How To Update the Tax Slip Box on an Earning Code
Complete the following if you found an Earning Code with an incorrect tax slip box selected. If all your earning codes are correct, skip to the How To Update the Tax Slip Box on a Deduction/Benefit Code section below.
Step 1: Open Earning Codes in the Avanti Desktop Application if it’s not already open.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Select the Earning Code with the incorrect tax slip, then select Modify.
Step 3: Select the correct box for the tax slip on the T-Slips tab.
Step 4: Select OK to save your changes.
Step 5: Complete Steps 2 to 4 for each Earning Code with an incorrect tax slip box selected.
Well done! You’ve finished updating the tax slip boxes on your earning codes.
How To Update the Tax Slip Box on a Deduction/Benefit Code
Complete the following if you found a Deduction/Benefit Code with an incorrect tax slip box selected.
If all your Deduction/Benefit Codes are correct, congratulations! You’re all done reviewing the tax slip boxes and are ready for the next step in the tax slip process: Reviewing your Dental Benefits on Pay Groups.
Step 1: Open Deduction/Benefit Codes in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 2: Select the Deduction/Benefit Code with the incorrect tax slip, then select Modify.
Step 3: Select the correct box for the tax slip on the T-Slips tab.
Step 4: Select OK to save your changes.
Step 5: Complete Steps 2 to 4 for each Deduction/Benefit Code with an incorrect tax slip box selected.
Congratulations! You’ve finished updating the tax slip boxes on all your codes and are ready for the next step in the tax slip process: Reviewing your Dental Benefits on Pay Groups.