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Pay on Avanti Go Setup Guide

Keep employees in the know even when they’re on the go. With Pay, employees can access their past pay information anytime, anywhere.


Before setting up Pay, there’s a couple of decisions you’ll need to make:

How will pays info display
You can provide the details of your employee’s pay, a PDF of their pay information, or both.

Mask the direct deposit account
Decide how much of their direct deposit account displays in the pay details.

By default, Pay will display both the details and formatted PDF files. When employees view the details, all characters of the direct deposit account will be masked except for the last four characters. If you are satisfied with this setup, skip to the Setting Up the Mobile Menu section.

How to Change the Pay Display

You can decide how pays display on Avanti Go. Users can view pay as Details, PDFs, or both.

Details View: Displays key pay information, such as take home pay, cash compensation, and benefits.

PDF View: Displays the employee’s pay based on your pay statement setup.

Both: The Details display first; employees can access the PDF view in the top-right corner of Details.


By default, both Details and PDF display. If you are satisfied with this setup, skip to the Masking the Direct Deposit Account section. 

If you would like to change to display only Details or only PDF, complete the following:

Step 1: Select the Company Settings in Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.
By default, this can be found in Administration.


Step 2: Enter MobileSettings.PayStatementView into the search. Ensure there are no trailing spaces. 


Step 3: Select Edit


Step 4: Update the Value and select Save

  • Update the Value to DetailsPDF to display both the Details and PDF.

  • Update the Value to Detail so just the Details display.

  • Update the Value to PDF to display just the PDF.


Step 5: Select Reload Settings

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.


How to Mask the Direct Deposit Account

Determine the direct deposit account mask on the Details display for Pay. 


When employees view the details, all characters of the direct deposit account will be masked except for the last four characters by default. If you are satisfied with this or are not displaying Details, skip to the Adding Pay to the Mobile Menu section.

If you want to change the mask on the direct account, complete the following:

Step 1: Select the Company Settings in Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.
By default, this can be found in Administration.


Step 2: Enter PayStatementSettings.BankAccountMask into the Search. Ensure there are no trailing spaces. 


Step 3: Select Edit


Step 4: Update the Value to the number of digits that should display. The remaining characters will be masked with a *. If you would like all the characters to be displayed, enter -1. Then select Save

Additional Information
If the employee’s direct deposit account has a space, this will count as a displayed account digit.


Step 5: Select Reload Settings

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.


Congratulations! You have completed the setup for Pay on Avanti Go.

How to Add Pay to the Mobile Menu

Step 1: Select Display Update Menu in the Mobile Menu on the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Web Services >> Mobile Menu. 


Once you select Display Update Menu, an additional column, Update Menu, will display. The Update Menu displays all the available menu items. 


Step 2: Select Pay, right-click and select Add New in Avanti Menu


Step 3: If you want everyone to access their pay information, skip to Step 7; otherwise, Right-click on Pay and select Modify.

Additional Information
These descriptions on Avanti Go cannot be changed. 


Step 4: Select * from the Selected column and click the arrow to move it to the Available column.

Additional Information
Since employees can only view their pay, there’s no need to make any changes to Responsibility. 

Step 5: Select a User Group that should have access on the Available column and click the arrow to move it to the Selected Column.


Step 6: Repeat Step 5 until all the User Groups that should have access are in the Selected section. Then click OK to save your changes.


Step 7: Once you have finished making changes to the mobile menu, select OK to save your changes.


With that, employees can find their pay info on Avanti Go.

Want to add even more features to Avanti Go? You can set up:

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