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Delivering Tax Slips to Terminated Employees

You may want to provide terminated employees with their tax slips separately from the rest of your workforce. There are several ways to deliver tax slips to your terminated employees.

Before you can deliver tax slips to your terminated employees, you need to create tax slips. If you haven’t created your employees’ tax slips, go to the Tax Slip Checklist for more information.

Email Tax Slips

You can email tax slips to terminated employees if they’ve opted to receive electronic tax slips and provided their personal email addresses.

If you usually print tax slips for employees, you’ll need to set up your terminated employees to get electronic tax slips before sending the email.

How to Set Up Terminated Employees for Email Tax Slip

Terminated employees must have Electronic Tax Slips selected and have a personal email on their Employee Profile before you email the tax slips.

Additional Information 
The tax slip is sent to the Tax Slip Email. If there isn’t a designated tax slip email, the slip is sent to the employee’s Primary (Default) Email.

Step 1: Open the Employee Profile in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employee Profile.

Step 2: Select the terminated Employee.

Step 3: Select Electronic Tax Slips on the Personal tab if it’s not selected.

Step 4: Ensure the Tax Slip or Primary (default) is set to the employee’s personal email address.

Additional Information 
Tax slips go to the Tax Slip Email. If there isn’t a tax slip email, it’s sent to the Primary (Default) Email.

Step 5: Select OK to save your changes.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 2 to 5 for every employee terminated in the year.

Now that your terminated employees are set up, you can email their tax slips.

How To Create the Filter when Emailing Tax Slips

Unless you’d like to email tax slips to all your employees, you’ll want to create a filter. Using this filter, you’ll only email tax slips to employees terminated during the tax year.

Additional Information
T2200 and TP-64.3-V slips can’t be sent via email. Please use an alternative method to provide these to your employees.

Step 1: After making your selections in Email Tax Slips Images, select the Data Filter tab.

Additional Information
For more information about making your selections, go to Emailing Tax Slips

Step 2: Select Define.

Step 3: Select Insert on the Employee Profile tab.

Step 4: Select TerminationDate in the Field.

Step 5: Select >= for the Condition.

Step 6: Select January 1, 2023, in Value, then select OK.

Step 7: Select Exit.

Congratulations, you’re ready to email tax slips. Go to Emailing Tax Slips for more information.

Print Tax Slips

If employees don’t have access to ASSP and have not opted to email tax slips, you should mail the tax slips to your terminated employees.

You'll want to create a filter unless you’d like to print tax slips for all your employees. Using this filter, you’ll only print tax slips for employees terminated during the tax year.

Additional Information
T2200 and TP-64.3-V slips can’t be printed in Print Tax Slips. Please use an alternative method to provide these to your employees.

How To Create the Filter

Step 1: Once you’ve finished making your print selections in Print Tax Slips Images, select the Data Filter tab.

Additional Information
For more information about making your print selections, go to Printing Your Tax Slips

Step 2: Select Define.

Step 3: Select Insert on the Employee Profile tab.

Step 4: Select TerminationDate in the Field.

Step 5: Select >= for the Condition.

Step 6: Select January 1, 2023, in Value, then select OK.

Step 7: Select Exit.

Congratulations, you’re ready to update your Printer Settings and print your tax slips. Go to Printing Your Tax Slips for more information.

Have Tax Slips Accessible on ASSP & Avanti Go

If you allow terminated employees to continue to access ASSP and Avanti Go, they can view tax slips there. Terminated employees will continue to have access if:

  • Their Avanti User exists and is active.

  • Their User Group has Web access.

  • Their employee information remains in Avanti.

If you haven’t set this up yet, go to Tax Slip Setup on ASSP & Avanti Go for more details. 

Additional Information
T2200 and TP-64.3-V slips don’t display on Tax Slips on ASSP or Avanti Go. Please use an alternative method to provide these to your employees.

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