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Emergency Contact Advanced Setup Guide

As an administrator, you can adjust Emergency Contacts to suit your organization’s needs.

Create Relationship Codes
Relationship codes that help managers and regular users understand how employee knows the contact.

Which Information to Include
Set the information will display in Emergency Contacts.

Change field labels
Update the names of the different fields.

Adjust Emergency Contacts Access 
Select whether employees can update their emergency contacts. You can also dictate whether managers and regular users can add, edit and delete Emergency Contacts for themselves and others.

Looking for a simpler way to set up Emergency Contacts? Check out the Emergency Contacts Setup Guide if you’d like to use the recommended settings so that:

  • The employee, along with managers and regular users, can update the contact’s information.

  • Contacts have the:

    • First Name and Last Name

    • Cell, Work, and Home Phone numbers

    • Relationship with the employee

    • More info

The Setup Guide provides everything you need to get set up with ease, so you can start using Emergency Contacts sooner.

If you’re already using the older version of Emergency Contacts and want to start using the latest, go to the Emergency Contacts Transitions Guide.

Since Emergency Contacts appear within Personal Information, be sure it’s set up before configuring Emergency Contacts. Emergency Contacts only display for those with access to Personal Information.

How to Create Relationship Codes

Before you start using Emergency Contacts, take a look and see if you want to change your relationship codes. Relationship codes are assigned to each contact so managers and regular users understand how the employee knows the emergency contact.

Here, you can create new codes, update existing ones, and delete any codes you’ve never used.

Additional Information 
Codes can only be deleted if they’re not assigned to any contacts. You can only update the code’s description, not the ID.

Step 1: Open Relationship Codes in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Human Resources >> Installation & Maintenance >> Personal Information Codes.

Step 2: If you’d like an additional relationship code available for selection, select Insert, then add the Code and Description. Select Ok.

Step 3: If any codes should have the Description updated, select the code, click Modify, update the Description, then select OK.

Step 4: If there are any codes you’d like to delete, select the code, then click Delete.

Additional Information 
You can only delete relationship codes that aren’t assigned to any employee’s emergency contact. To delete a previously used code, first you’ll have to remove it for all current and past employees.

How to Hide Emergency Contact Info

You can select which information displays in Emergency Contacts. This guides you through choosing the fields that won’t be available when adding, editing or viewing an Emergency Contact.

Important Information
These are mandatory fields that cannot be hidden:

  • Given Name, Last Name

  • Relationship

  • Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Work Phone, Primary Number

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter EmergencyContactSettings.HiddenFields in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit for EmergencyContactSettings.HiddenFields.

Step 4: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Setting Options for the fields that shouldn’t be available when viewing, creating or updating contacts.

The following Setting Options are available:

Initial, EmployeeAddress, Address1, Address2, City, Province, Country, Postal, Comments,

Step 5: Select Save.

Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Change Field Labels

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter EmergencyContactSettings.FieldDisplayName in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit for EmergencyContactSettings.FieldDisplayName.

Step 4: In Value, enter a Setting Option you’d like to update the label for, then add a colon.

The following Setting Options are available:

GivenName, Surname, Initial, Relationship, HomePhone, MobilePhone, WorkPhone, UseEmployeeAddress, Address1, City, Address2, Province, Country, Postal, Comments

Additional Information
Only add one Setting Option
; if you want to update additional labels, you can do so in Step 7.

Step 5: Enter the label you want to display when ASSP is accessed in English, then add a colon.

Step 6: Enter the French label you want to display when ASSP is accessed in French, then add a comma.

Additional Information
This is only applicable to clients using French. Don’t have French? Just a comma to the end of the Value.

Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 to 6 for each Field Label you’d like updated in Emergency Contacts and select Save once you’re done.

Step 9: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Who can Update Emergency Contacts?

Select whether employees can update their emergency contacts. You can also dictate whether managers and regular users can add, update and delete Emergency Contacts for themselves and others.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter EmergencyContactSettings in the Search.

Step 3: Take a look at the Value for these settings.

  • EmergencyContactSettings.EmployeeReadOnly: If false, employees can update their Emergency Contacts. If true, employees can only view their contacts.

  • EmergencyContactSettings.ManagerReadOnly: If false, managers and regular users can update other employees’ Emergency Contacts. If true, managers and regular users can only view other employees’ contacts.

  • EmergencyContactSettings.ManagerReadOnlyForSelf: If false, managers and regular users can update their Emergency Contacts. If true, managers and regular users can only view their contacts.

If these permissions are set up how you’d like, skip to How to Add the Emergency Contacts to the Menu.

Step 4: To change who has access, select Edit for the option you’d like to update.

Step 5: Update the Value by selecting (true) or deselecting (false), and select Save.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you’ve got the proper selections for:

  • EmergencyContactSettings.EmployeeReadOnly

  • EmergencyContactSettings.ManagerReadOnly

  • EmergencyContactSettings.ManagerReadOnlyForSelf

Step 7: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Add the Emergency Contacts to the Menu

Only Regular users with the Admin user group can set up Emergency Contacts.

Step 1: Select System Configuration.

Additional Information
You’ll want to set up Personal Information
 if you haven’t already. Emergency Contacts is only available to those that have access to Personal Information.

Step 2: Under System, select New Experience.

Step 3: Select Start Setup.

Additional Information
If you’re already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see this screen. Skip to Step 5

Step 4: Select Continue to bypass the security.

Additional Information
If you’re already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see this screen. Skip to Step 5

Step 5: Select Emergency Contacts. If Emergency Contacts doesn’t open immediately, select Edit.

Step 6: Select a Role Type to determine which employees your managers and regular users can access Emergency Contacts for.

Additional Information
If no Role Type is selected, the default is Time Entry. Managers and Regular Users can only see Emergency Contacts for employees they can view Personal Information for.

Step 7: Select the User Groups to determine who can access Emergency Contacts.

Additional Information
Only users in one of the selected User Groups can access Emergency Contacts.

Step 8: Set your desired Responsibility for who can Add, Edit, View, and Delete Emergency Contacts.

  • A * grants access to all users.

  • Enter an A to restrict access the most. Only users with will have access.

  • Enter any other letter. Users with that letter will have access. Users with a letter between that level of access and A will also have access.

Additional Information
Responsibility levels range from A to Z, with A being the most restrictive. The user’s responsibility level is based on the user’s assigned groups. Go to Responsibilities for more information.

For example, the user must have A or B access to modify Emergency Contacts if the Edit Responsibility is B.

Step 9: Select Save.

Step 10: Select Finish.

Step 11: Select Exit Configuration.

Great! You’re done setting up Emergency Contacts and employees can access it from within Personal Information.

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