The Receiver General and Quebec Receiver Vendor Remittances provide a report of all the source deductions from all payrolls throughout the year.
If you already have a Vendor Remittances setup for Receiver General, Quebec Receiver, or other remittances, this article will guide you through adding the reports for the new year.
Don’t have Vendor Remittance set up? Go to Set Up Vendor Remittance for Receiver General or Set Up Vendor Remittance for Quebec Receiver Remittances for more information.
Receiver General Remittances
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, navigate to Vendor Remittance Setup.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance >> Vendor Remittance Setup.
Step 2: Select a Vendor Remittance Setup with a Type of Receiver General, then select Modify.
Step 3: Confirm the Business Number on the Basic Setup tab. You will need to know the remittance type for this Business Number.
Step 4: On the Dates tab, select Insert.
Step 5: Ensure 2024 is in the Year.
Step 6: Confirm that the Remitter Type is correct for the business number.
If it is incorrect, select the right Remitter Type from the drop-down.
Additional Information
This will default to the Remitter Type selected in Maintain Business Numbers. By default, Maintain Business Numbers can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance.
Step 7: Ensure the Due Dates are correct and select OK.
Additional Information
The due dates are based on Remitter Type selected in Step 6.
Step 8: Select OK to save the Receiver General Vendor Setup.
Step 9: Repeat Steps 2 to 8 for each Receiver General Vendor Remittance you have in Avanti.
Missing a Receiver General Remittance for a business number? Go to Set Up Vendor Remittance for Receiver General for more information.
Congratulations! Your Receiver General Vendor Remittances are ready for 2024! You can now update your Quebec Receiver Remittances.
Don’t have employees in Quebec? Go to the Other Vendor Remittances section below.
Quebec Receiver Remittances
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, navigate to Vendor Remittance Setup, if it’s not already open.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance >> Vendor Remittance Setup.
Step 2: Select a Vendor Remittance Setup with a Type of Quebec Receiver, then select Modify.
Step 3: Confirm the Employer ID on the Basic Setup tab. You will need to know the remittance type for this Employer ID.
Step 4: On the Dates tab, select Insert.
Step 5: Ensure 2024 is in the Year.
Step 6: Confirm that the Remitter Type is correct for the Employer ID. If it is incorrect, select the right Remitter Type from the drop-down.
Additional Information
This will default to the Remitter Type selected in Maintain QC Employer IDs. By default, Maintain QC Employer IDs can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance.
Step 7: Ensure the Due Dates are correct and select OK.
Additional Information
The due dates are based on Remitter Type selected in Step 6.
Step 8: Select OK to save the Quebec Receiver Vendor Setup.
Step 9: Repeat Steps 2 to 8 for each Quebec Receiver Vendor Remittance you have in Avanti.
Missing a Quebec Receiver Remittance for an Employer ID? Go to Set Up Vendor Remittance for Quebec Receiver Remittances for more information on setting this up.
Your Quebec Receiver Vendor Remittances are ready for 2024!
Other Vendor Remittances
Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, navigate to Vendor Remittance Setup, if it’s not already open.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance >> Vendor Remittance Setup.
Step 2: Select a Vendor Remittance Setup with a Type of Employer Remitter or Employee Remitter, then select Modify.
Step 3: On the Dates tab, select Insert.
Step 4: Ensure 2024 is in the Year.
Step 5: Enter the remittance periods for the year, it it's not 12.
Step 6: Enter the end of first remittance period.
Step 7: Enter the number of days the remittance is due, after the period end date.
Step 8: Confirm the Due Date of each remittance period is correct.
If the Due Dates are correct, skip to Step 11.
Step 9: If any Due Dates are incorrect, select Apply.
Step 10: Update each incorrect due date by selecting the arrow beside the incorrect Due Date, and selecting the correct remittance due date.
Step 11: Select OK to save 2024.
Step 12: Select OK to save the Remittance.
Step 13: Repeat Steps 2 to 12 for each Employer Remitter and Employee Remitter you have in Avanti.
Your Remittances are ready for 2024!
You’re all set here, you can now move on to the next step in the year-end process Review Formulas for the New Payroll Year.