Filtering can reduce how much data is included on a report by selecting specific rows based on user-defined criteria.
A practical example of this would be to filter on the employee date-of-birth with a criteria that the date must be before 1990. When this filtering is applied to the report, only rows from employees born before 1990 will be included in the report.
Within the Report Definition there are three kinds of filtering. Each of these filters reduce the amount of information included on a report in a specific way:
- Selection filters
Selection filters select which employees will be included in the report (for example Pay Group, Location, or Employee Number can be used to create selection filters).
Selection filters are the most general type of filtering.- Data filters
Data filters removes records using user-defined filter rules.
- Criteria filters
Criteria filters are available only on some data-sources. Criteria allow you to select exactly which data to include. The Earning Code and Deduction Code data-sources both use criteria to determine which codes to include on the report.
Data Filter Example
We'll go over how to apply a data-filter on an employee rate-of-pay report to display only those employees who make more than $50 dollars an hour.
Open the Data Filters tab of the Report Definition.
Open the column Filter Definition by selecting the Column Filter layout-source then pressing Modify.
Layout Sources:We use the Column Filters layout source because the data we want to filter already exists in a column of the report.
Alternatively, you can create data filters on fields from the Employee Profile (Employee Profile data-fields can be used even if the field is not included as a column in the report).
Figure 1. Filter Definitions can be edited by selecting the Layout Source then pressing Modify.Tip:You can also double-click on Column Filters to open the column Filter Definition window.
Filter Definition
Filter definitions are built-up using Filter Lines, and joining each of those Filter Lines together using a conjunction. For example you may want to filter on the employee age and the employee rate of pay. You would achieve this by creating two Filter Lines and joining them with the conjunction And
Combining Filter Lines When you use more than one Filter Line you must choose a conjunction to use when combining them. Conjunctions
Let's go over the steps to create the filter definition for the employee hourly rate of pay now.
Add a new Filter Line to the Filter Definition by pressing Insert.
Select which column to filter from the Field drop-down. (In this case we want to select the Base Hourly Rate column.)
Select which Condition to use from the drop-down. (We selected the greater-than (>) condition because we only want employees that make more than $50 an hour.)
Enter 50 into the Value field.
Add the Filter Line to the Filter Definition by pressing OK.
At this point you can close the Filter Definition and run the report to test out the filter.
Saving filters for later use From the file menu select Figure 3. Save the Filter Definition by selecting Save As from the file menu.
Loading filters Later, you can load saved filters from the File menu of the Filter Definition and selecting Open. |
Now when the employee rate-of-pay report is run, only the employees who make more than $50 per hour will be displayed.