Have questions abou the Tax Slip Process? Here’s some of the questions we see most often to get you started.
Q: How do I modify employee tax slips?
A: You can update your employee’s tax slips in Modify Employee Tax Slip Data. For more information, go to Review, Modify, and Add Employee Tax Slips.
Before updating your employee’s tax slips, please ensure that you’ve finished extracting the tax slip data. If you extract after changing your employees’ tax slip data, your changes will be lost, and you’ll need to make those updates again.
Q: What are the Review Listings?
A: It’s important to check your Review Listings to ensure your tax slip information for 2023 is accurate. These include a summary of the vital tax slip information for each group. You can also include the tax slip information for each employee in the group.
The Review Listings will include the tax slip boxes with an amount. Additionally, it displays any CPP, QPP, EI, and QPIP discrepancies of more than a dollar. Go to Print The Tax Slip Review Listings for more information.
3. How do I submit the transmission file to the CRA or RQ?
A: Once you’ve generated and exported your transmission files, log into the CRA or RQ website and follow the onscreen instructions to upload the files. The site will verify when the file is uploaded successfully. Make sure you have your web access codes and credentials on hand.
4. When should I amend vs cancel a tax slip?
A: If you find an error in your tax slips after you’ve submitted them to the CRA or RQ, you’ll need to create amended or cancelled tax slips. Typically, you’ll need to create an amended file unless the CRA or RQ recommends a cancelled file.
To create amended slips, go to Amending Tax Slips. To cancel your tax slips, go to Cancelled T4/T4A or Cancelled RL1/RL2 for more information.
5. How can I deliver tax slips to terminated employees?
A: There are a couple of ways you can deliver tax slips to your terminated employees.
Allow terminated employees to continue accessing tax slips on ASSP & Avanti Go
Email tax slips
Print tax slips
Go to Delivering Tax Slips to Terminated Employees for more information.