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Tax Docs Overview

Find all your tax docs in one spot with Tax Docs on the Avanti Self-Service Portal. See your employees' tax docs, from TD1s to TP-1015.3-Vs, or check out your own info.


Jump between your tax credits, whether your Provincial TD1/TP-1015.3-V or your Federal TD1. In setup, you can decide whether you wish to have both or just one option.


For more details on your tax credits, click to expand the government descriptions for additional information or to collapse to see the amounts easier.


For the record-keepers wanting to make copies whether print or PDF, print out your tax docs. The print version will display additional information. An employee’s last three SIN numbers will display on their tax credit printout.


Managers and Regular Users

For managers and regular users, you have a few extra tricks up your sleeve. Managers and regulars have the exclusive ability to view other employees' info.

Need to look up an employee’s tax credits? Managers and regular users can scroll through their employees. Is scrolling going to take too long? Search for a particular name to view another employee’s tax credits. Use filters to find someone even quicker. Find your name at the top and use scroll to the top to quickly get back up.


Need more info on an employee to double-check something? View employee details with Employee Info. Want to set that up? Check out the Employee Info Setup Guide.


Ready to get those tax docs up and ready? See the Tax Docs Setup Guide. Want to understand what’s improved better? See the Tax Docs Transition Guide for all the details.

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