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Profile on Avanti Go Setup Guide

Put your employee’s information at their fingertips with Profile on Avanti Go. In Avanti Go, you can decide:

  • Whether employees can see and update their photos.

  • Which information employees can update.

  • Employees will see a message to contact their manager if they need to change information they cannot update.

How to Display and Update Employee Photos

You can display your employee’s photos on Avanti Go. These pictures are also on the Employee Profile in the Avanti Desktop along with the Employee Directory, Personal Information, and in the top-right corner of ASSP.

On Avanti Go, you can decide whether to display the photos and whether employees can change their photos anytime or just if they don’t have a picture already.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter Picture in the Search, then select Edit for ShowPicture.

Step 3: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

  • Select Value to display employees’ photos.

  • Deselect Value to display your employees’ initials instead. You’re all done making your changes so photos don’t display; please skip to Step 8. 

Step 4: Next, select Edit for EnablePictureChange.

Step 5: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

Additional Information
This also determines whether employee photos can be changed on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.

  • Deselect Value to prevent employees from changing their photo or if you only want them to change their photo if they don’t have one on Avanti Go exclusively.

  • Select Value to allow employees to change their photo anytime from Avanti Go and on ASSP.

Step 6: Select Edit for PictureChangeFirstTimeOnly.

Step 7: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

Additional Information
This setting only affects Avanti Go; employees won’t be able to add their photo on ASSP.

  • Select Value to allow employees to add their photo if there isn’t one.

  • Deselect Value to prevent employees from changing their photo.

Step 8: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Allow Employees to Update their Name

Employees can only update their names if you allow them to edit other fields on the Profile. There are a couple of ways to prevent employees from updating their names; you’ll need to allow access to each for employees to update their names. Go to Which Employee Info can be Changed for more information.

Step 1: Select the Company Settings in Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.
By default, this can be found in Administration.

Step 2: Enter MobileSettings.EmployeesCanChangeName into the Search and select Edit.

Additional Information
Can’t see the setting? Ensure there are no trailing spaces in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit

Step 4: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

  • If the Value is selected, employees can change their name.

  • If the Value is deselected, employees cannot change their name.

Step 5: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Adjust the Phone Number Labels

You can set up to four phone labels your employees can select for their phone number, which can be chosen from:

  • Work, Work 2, Work Fax, Work Cell

  • Home, Home 2, Home Fax, Home Cell

  • Cell, Pager, Other

If you don’t set the phone labels, any label above can be selected when adding or updating a phone number in Personal Information.

Employees can only update their phone labels if you allow them to edit other fields in the Profile. 

Additional Information
If you change these settings, it’ll also affect whether phone labels can be changed on ASSP and the Employee Profile on the Avanti Desktop. 

Step 1: Open Payroll Parameters on the Avanti Desktop and select the Add’l Field Names tab.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Installation & Maintenance. 

Step 2: Select the Phone Label you’d like for each of the four phone numbers.

Additional Information
There’s no need to worry about employee numbers with different phone labels. You’ll still see the numbers with the correct label in the Employee Profile.

Step 3: Select Disable Phone Label Selection on Employee Profile if it’s deselected, then click OK.

Step 4: You can set all your employee’s phone numbers to display in the same order on the Employee Profile in the Avanti Desktop.

  • Select No to keep the numbers in their current order.

  • If they should all display in the same order, select Yes to Rearrange Phone Numbers, then select Rearrange. After it’s done rearranging, you can review all your employees with a different phone label set. Once you’re done, select Exit to close.

Congrats! You’re all done updating your phone labels.

How to Prevent Changing Emails on Avanti Go

Employees can only update their emails if you allow them to edit other fields in the Profile. There are a couple of ways to prevent employees from updating their email; you’ll need to allow access in each for employees to update their emails. Go to Which Employee Info can be Changed for more information.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter PersonalDataReadOnlyEmailTypes in the Search and select Edit.

Step 3: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Setting Options for the emails that can’t be updated, then select Save.

The following Setting Options are available:

Primary, PayStatement, Alert, Home, Work, TaxSlips

If these permissions are set how you’d like, select Save and skip to Remove the Contact Manager Message.

Step 6: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Which Employee Info can be Changed

Select which information can be updated on Avanti Go. Employees need access to modify the Profile on the Avanti Go menu to make changes to any information.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter PersonalInfo.Personal in the Search.

Step 3: To change who has access, select Edit for PersonalInfo.PersonalDataEmployeeReadOnly.

Step 4: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Setting Options for the fields that can’t be updated, then select Save.

Additional Information
Some of this information, such as Previous Surname, isn’t available on Avanti Go. You’ll also see the setting options that determine what employees can adjust on Personal Information on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.

The following Setting Options are available:

Basic Information Setting Options: GivenName, Surname, PreferredName, BirthDate, Gender, FirstLanguage, Marital, PreviousSurname, Sin, SinExpiryDate,

Address Setting Options: Address1, Address2, City, Province, Postal, Country,

Phone Number Setting Options: Phonenumber1, Phonenumber2, Phonenumber3, Phonenumber4, Phonetype1, Phonetype2, Phonetype3, Phonetype4,

Email Setting Options: WorkEmail, HomeEmail, PayStatementEmail, AlertEmail, TaxSlipEmail,

Step 5: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Override Modify Setting on the Menu

If you’re going to prevent employees from modifying information on the Mobile Menu, but actually want them to be able to make changes, you can override the modify responsibility you set on the mobile menu

Step 1: Select the Company Settings in Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.
By default, this can be found in Administration.

Step 2: Enter PersonalDataOverrideModifyResponsibilityForSelf into the Search and select Edit.

Step 3: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

  • If the Value is selected, the Profile can be updated on Avanti Go regardless of the Modify Responsibility on the Mobile menu.

  • If the Value is deselected, employees can update their Profile on Avanti Go based on the Modify Responsibility on the Mobile menu.

Step 4: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

Remove the Contact Manager Message

You can removed the contact your manager message that displays if employees cannot update their Profile based on Modify Responsibility on the Mobile Menu.

Additional Information
If you’ve restricted access to specific information within the Profile, this message doesn’t display regardless of the setting.

Step 1: Select the Company Settings in Administration Settings on the Avanti Self-Service Portal.
By default, this can be found in Administration.

Step 2: Enter MobileSettings.You.RemoveCannotEditMessage into the Search. Ensure there are no trailing spaces. 

Step 3: Select Edit

Step 4: Adjust the Value if necessary, then select Save.

  • If the Value is selected, employees cannot see the message.

  • If the Value is deselected, employees can see the message.

Step 5: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Add the Profile to the Mobile Menu

Step 1: Select Display Update Menu in the Mobile Menu on the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Web Services >> Mobile Menu. 

Once you select Display Update Menu, an additional column, Update Menu, will display. The Update Menu displays all the available menu items. 

Step 2: Select Profile, right-click and select Add New in Avanti Menu

Step 3: If you want everyone to access Profile, skip to Step 9; otherwise, select Hide Update Menu.

Step 4: Right-click on the feature you’d like to adjust access for and select Modify.

Additional Information
These descriptions on Avanti Go cannot be changed.

Step 5: Set your desired Responsibility to Modify information.

  • A grants access to all users.

  • Enter an A to restrict access the most. Only users with will have access.

  • Enter any other letter. Users with that letter will have access. Users with a letter between that level of access and A will also have access.

Additional Information
Responsibility levels range from A to Z, with A being the most restrictive. The user’s responsibility level is based on their assigned user groups. Go to Responsibilities for more details.

For example, if the Modify their Responsibility is B, the user must have A or B access to add their Personal Information.

Step 6: Select * from the Selected column and click the arrow to move it to the Available column.

Step 7: Select a User Group that should have access on the Available column and click the arrow to move it to the Selected Column.

Step 8: Repeat Step 7 until all the User Groups that should have access are in the Selected section. Then click OK to save your changes.

Step 9: Once you have finished making changes to the mobile menu, select OK to save your changes.

Want to add even more features to Avanti Go? You can set up:

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