In this article, you’ll find the file formats for importing employee tax slips into Avanti and the format to import employees for tax slip creation. Once you’ve created the files, you can import them using Import External Tax Slip Data. You can do this using files on your computer or OneDrive.
The following import formats are available:
The box amounts imported will populate the employee’s tax slip data and adjust the related boxes on the tax slip. For example, if you’re importing box 40 for a T4, box 14 is also adjusted.
Prior to importing, the intended Avanti Tax Slip Group must be created to receive the imported data. Are you looking for a step-by-step guide to create your tax slip files and external employee tax slip files for import? Go to Importing Your Employee Tax Slip Information.
Employee T4 Layout
T4 box numbers and amounts can be repeated across the spreadsheet (e.g.: D and E, F and G, H and I, etc.) by adding additional columns or including the employee on multiple rows.
If a T4 box is repeated for an employee, the amounts will be added together. Do not enter T4 boxes 54, 12, 10, 28, or 29; these populate from employee basic or T4 group information.
If you’re importing box 45, enter the corresponding employer-offered dental benefits in the T4 box amount column:
1 No Dental insurance or coverage of any kind
2 Payee
3 Payee, spouse and dependent children
4 Payee and their spouse
5 Payee and their dependent children
Additional Information
A sample file for importing employer-offered dental benefits is attached at the bottom of the article.
Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter T4. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | T4 box number | 2 | Yes | Refer to CRA guide RC4120. |
E | T4 box amount | 11 | Yes |
Repeat columns D and E as many times as needed. |
Employee T4A Layout
T4A box numbers, amounts, and footnotes can be repeated across the spreadsheet (e.g.: D, E and F: then G, H and I; etc.) by adding additional columns or including the employee on multiple rows.
Many T4A boxes have footnotes and footnote codes associated with them; the footnote will only appear on the T4A form if the code is entered with the T4A box and amount.
If a T4A box is repeated for an employee, the amounts will be added together. Do not enter T4A boxes 12, 13, 14, or 61 – they will be populated based on employee basic or T4A group information.
If you’re importing box 15, enter the corresponding payer-offered dental benefits in the T4A box amount column:
1 No Dental insurance or coverage of any kind
2 Payee
3 Payee, spouse and dependent children
4 Payee and their spouse
5 Payee and their dependent children
Additional Information
A sample file for importing employer-offered dental benefits is attached at the bottom of the article.
Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter T4A. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | T4A box number | 2 | Yes | Refer to CRA guide RC4157. |
E | T4A box amount | 11 | Yes |
F | T4A Footnote code | 2 | No | Refer to CRA guide RC4157. |
Repeat columns D, E and F as many times as required. |
Employee RL-1 Layout
RL-1 boxes and amounts can be repeated across the spreadsheet (e.g.: D and E, F and G, H and I, etc.) by adding additional columns or including the employee on multiple rows.
If an RL-1 box is repeated for an employee, the amounts will be added together.
Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter RL1. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | RL-1 box letter | 1 | Yes | Refer to RL-1.G-V. Use “Z” to import Box O code. |
E | RL-1 box amount | 11 | Yes | The amount to be shown in the RL-1 box, if “Z” in RL-1 box letter then enter Box O code. |
Repeat columns D and E as many times as required. |
Employee RL-2 Layout
RL-2 boxes and amounts can be repeated across the spreadsheet (e.g.: D and E, F and G, H and I, etc.) by adding additional columns or including the employee on multiple rows.
If the same RL-2 box is repeated for an employee, the amounts will be added together.
Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter RL2. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | Income Source | Yes | Abbreviations to be used in the Provenance des revenus box. | |
E | RL-2 box letter | 1 | Yes | Refer to RL-2.G-V. |
F | RL-2 box amount | 11 | Yes | The amount for the RL-2 box. |
Repeat columns D, E and F as many times as required. |
Employee NR4 Layout
If an employee has two rows, the second row will become Line 2 of the tax slip.
Excel Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
Line 1 Values | ||||
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter NR4. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes | |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | Country Code (Box 12) | 3 | Yes | Must be valid country code. |
E | Income Code (Box 14) | 2 | Yes |
F | Currency Code (Box 15) | 3 | No | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
G | Gross Income (Box 16) | 11 | No | |
H | NR Tax Withheld (Box 17) | 11 | No | |
I | Exemption Code (Box 18) | 1 | No | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
Line 2 Values (only if required for the same employee) | ||||
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter NR4. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes | Same as Line 1 record. |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | Same as Line 1 record. |
D | Country Code (Box 12) | 3 | Yes | Same as Line 1 record. |
E | Income Code (Box 24) | 2 | Yes | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
F | Currency Code (Box 25) | 3 | No | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
G | Gross Income (Box 26) | 11 | No | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
H | NR Tax Withheld (Box 27) | 11 | No | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
I | Exemption Code (Box 28) | 1 | No | Refer to CRA guide T4061. |
Employee T4A-RCA Layout
T4A-RCA boxes and amounts can be repeated across the spreadsheet (e.g.: D and E, F and G, H and I, etc.) by adding additional columns or including the employee on multiple rows.
If the same T4A-RCA box is repeated for an employee with the same province of employment, the amounts will be added together.
Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter T4ARCA. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | Box Code | 2 | Yes | |
E | Box Amount | 11 | Yes |
Repeat columns D, E as many times as needed. |
External Employee Layout
The following describes the procedure to import employee data from an Excel file for tax slips. Where the Tax Slip Group is for imported employees, you can import the employee data and data for the tax slips.
The employee data will not create an Employee Profile in Avanti; it only adds the employee to Modify Employee Tax Slip Data.
External employees must be imported before any other data files. In the case of one consolidated import file for all record types, the employee records (EMP) must appear in the file before the employee tax slip records.
Column | Field Description | Size | Required | Data Description |
A | Record type | 3 | Yes | Enter EMP. |
B | Employee number | 9 | Yes | Must match the format in Avanti. |
C | Province of Employment | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
D | SIN | 9 | Yes |
E | Surname | 30 | Yes |
F | Given Name | 30 | No |
G | Initial | 1 | No |
H | Address1 | 30 | No |
I | Address2 | 30 | No |
J | City | 30 | No |
K | Province/State | 2 | Yes | See the Province Codes section below. |
L | Postal Code | 10 | No |
M | Language | 1 | No | Enter E for English or F for French. If blank, defaults to English. |
N | Location | 4 | No |
Provinces Codes
A list of the Canadian Provinces you can use to import employee and tax slip information
AB Alberta
BC British Columbia
MB Manitoba
NB New Brunswick
NL Newfoundland & Labrador
NS Nova Scotia
NT Northwest Territories
NU Nunavut
ON Ontario
PE Prince Edward Island
QC Quebec
SK Saskatchewan
YT Yukon Territory
T4 Dental Import.xlsxT4A Dental Import.xlsxT4A Import.xlsxT4 Import.xlsxEmployee Tax Slip Import…NR4 Import.xlsxRL-2 Import.xlsx