Do you want to start using Banking Info. You’ve come to the right place!
You can easily add important information to the direct deposit notification sent to employees. You can also add Banking Info to Personal Information, so employees can can confirm their information is correct without contacting your Payroll or HR Team.
If you want to learn more about Banking Info, go to the Banking Info Overview.
How to Add Additional Information to Employee Notification
For enhanced security, employees are emailed and notified when their direct deposit changes. You can add information to the notification, including details about how employees can confirm their banking details.
You can create different messages to include when the notification is English or French.
Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings.
By default, this can be found in Administration.
Step 2: Enter Banking in the Search.
Step 3: Select Edit for Banking.DirectDepositChangeNotification.
Step 4: Enter the English notification text you want to display in Value and select Save.
Additional Information
If you haven’t setup Avanti so employees can choose their language, skip to Step 7.
Step 5: Select Edit for Banking.DirectDepositChangeNotificationFr.
Step 6: Enter the French notification text you want to display in the Value and select Save.
Step 7: Select Reload Settings.
Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.
Congratulations, you’re all done adding information to your employee’s direct deposit change notification.
How to Add Banking Info to the Menu
Only Regular users with the Admin user group can set up Banking Info.
Step 1: Select System Configuration.
Step 2: Under System, select New Experience.
Step 3: Select Start Setup.
Additional Information
If you’re already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see this screen. Skip to Step 5.
Step 4: Select Continue to bypass the security.
Additional Information
If you’re already moved to the latest ASSP, you won’t see this screen. Skip to Step 5.
Step 5: Select Banking Info if it’s not already selected.
Additional Information
To use Banking Info, you must also be using Personal Information.
Step 6: Select Edit.
Step 7: Select a Role Type to determine which employees your regular users can access.
Additional Information
Regular Users can only see the Banking Info for employees they can view Personal Information for. Managers can only view their own Banking Info.
Step 8: Select the User Groups. Anyone in one of the selected User Groups can access Banking Info if they can access Personal Information.
Additional Information
Only users in one of the selected User Groups can access Banking Info.
Step 9: Select Save.
Step 10: Select Finish.
Step 11: Select Exit Configuration.
Great! You’ve finished setting up Banking Info; employees and regular users can access it from Personal Information.