It’s crucial to confirm that all time for 2023 is processed and updated. This action ensures all payments are completed during the correct payroll year and that the year-to-dates are correct for your employees. Before running year-end, we recommend you:
How to Review Your Pending Leave Report
The Pending Leave Report will identify if any employees have requested leave that hasn’t been processed.
Step 1: Open Pending Leave Report in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Payroll Reports.
Step 2: Select all the Pay Groups.
Step 3: Select All in Employee Selection, if not already selected.
Step 4: Select Exclude Data After and enter December 31, 2023, in the date selection.
Step 5: Deselect Exclude Schedule Entries, if selected. This is only applicable if you’re using Time and Attendance.
Additional Information
If you’re using Time & Attendance, any schedules or punches that have not become Time Cards will be generated before printing. These Time Cards are included in the report as unapproved.
Step 6: Select Print Preview.
Additional Information
Depending on the number of employees in your company, this may take a while to generate. You can reduce the time for the report to generate by reducing the pay groups selected.
Step 7: Review the results.
If No data found to print displays, congratulations! All leaves in 2023 have been processed
If there are employees with unprocessed leave, confirm whether it should be paid. The report identifies where the entry is within Avanti.
Complete Adjustments
Ensure all the necessary adjustments for the 2023 payroll year have been completed. If there are any outstanding adjustments, please complete the adjustments and process them.
How to Ensure the Final Pay Is Processed
Confirm that the final pay for each pay group is processed before running year-end. Before starting this, you will need to know the final pay ending date of 2023 for each pay group.
Additional Information
If you are unsure about each pay group's pay ending date, you can confirm this on the 2023 Payroll Calendar.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.
Step 1: Open Process Pay Run in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Payroll Processing.
Step 2: Enter the final pay period date for the pay group in Pay Period Ending.
Step 3: Review the messages.
If Already been Processed displays beside the message, the final pay is completed.
If No date match in 2023 payroll calendar… displays beside the message, the date selected is past the final pay period of 2023. Go to Step 4.
If no message is displayed or any other message is displayed, pay has not been processed. If the payment date is 2023, please ensure you process the pay.
Step 4: Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for each pay group with a different Pay Period Ending date.
Congratulations! You have confirmed that all pays are processed. The next step in the Year-End process is Backup Your Company to a Test Company.