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Available Leave and Time Off Requests on Avanti Go Setup Guide

Put time insights into your employees' pockets with Available leave and Time off requests on Avanti Go. Choose to display one or both, changing what your Avanti Go looks like, from using only Available leave or Time off requests, to using both in tandem.

Additional Information
When adding Time off to the Mobile Menu, you should only do so if employees are using Availability to enter time off and if they have time entry templates set up for Availability. To add those, speak with your Account Manager. To add Time off, check out How to Add Time Off to the Mobile Menu


Important Information
If your employees enter time using units and units of measure for some of the Availability Types, but those fields aren’t on the template, you’ll need to add them to your Time Entry Template. If you don’t, employees will see an error and cannot add a request.

Available Leave Overview

Available leave on Avanti Go is designed to work with the Avanti Self-Service Portal (ASSP). It displays the same colours and icons for each type of leave.


If you want to use Available leave on ASSP and Avanti Go, check out the Available Leave Setup Guide; the web has more features for you to set up. If you’re already using Available Leave on ASSP, head down to How to Add Available Leave and Time Off Requests where you can add Available leave and/or View Time off requests.

If you only want this information on Avanti Go, as an administrator you can set:

Which Leave to Include
Determine which entitlement codes display in Available leave. You can display different codes for employees based on their pay group.

Display Options
Tailor the icons and colours to suit your different types of leaves. You can set the names that display, along with whether the amounts display in dollars or units.

Display Additional Information
You can display relevant information on Available leave. You can create different messages in English and French.

Additional Information
If you’ve already set up the Additional Information message and used HTML to format it, it won’t display on Avanti Go. You’ll need to remove the formatting. 

How to Set Which Leave Displays

You’ll need to set which codes display in Available leave. You can display different codes for employees based on their pay group.

For information to appear in Available leave, the Deduction/Benefit Code must be active, with the code active on the employee’s Profile.

Important Information
The same codes display in Available leave and Entitlements. If you’re already using Entitlements, updating these settings will impact what managers see there. 

Step 1: Identify the Deduction/Benefit Codes you’d like to use for each pay group in the Avanti Desktop. You’ll only use the first three digits of the codes.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.

Additional Information
The type selected for the Deduction/Benefit Code must be: 

  • Accrued Vacation

  • Banked Time 

  • Accrued Sick Leave 

Step 2: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter EntitlementsSettings in the Search.

Step 3: Select Edit for EntitlementsSettings.AllowedBenefitCodesForPayGroup.

Step 4: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the code numbers and select Save.

Additional Information 
This is your generic setting, which will be used for all pay groups unless otherwise specified. You’ll want to enter the codes you want to display for most pay groups. 

If you display the same entitlement codes for all your employees, skip to Step 9.

Step 5: Select Copy for EntitlementsSettings.AllowedBenefitCodesForPayGroup.

Step 6: Add the three-digit code for the Pay Group to the end of the Key.

Additional Information
This should be a pay group with different entitlement codes than you created in Step 4. An entitlement code only displays if the code is active on the employee’s Employee Profile. 

Step 7: In Value, enter a comma-separated list of the Entitlement Codes you want to display and select Save.

Additional Information 
The leave codes you enter here are used for all pay groups unless you create additional settings; you’ll want to enter the codes you want to display for most of your pay groups. 

Keep in mind that employees will only see the entitlement codes that are active on their Employee Profile. 

Step 8: Repeat Steps 5 to 7 for each pay group that should have different Entitlement Codes.

Step 9: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.

How to Adjust the Display Options

You’ll want to review the codes you want to display to ensure they’ll correctly display in either dollars or units, along with the names you’d like:

If any of your employees have more than one entitlement with the same type, such as different ways to bank time, you may want to change the icon and colour to differentiate them. By default:

  • Vacation time is green with a plane.

  • Banked time is blue with a bank.

  • Sick time is yellow with a sick emoji.


Before you can get started updating the web settings, you’ll need to know:

  • Whether you’d like each entitlement to display in dollar amounts or units.

  • The name you’d like to display for each entitlement.

Step 1: Open Deduction/Benefit Code in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Employer Payroll Tables.

Step 2: Select a code you want to update and click Modify.

Step 3: Review the Full Name and, if your company uses French, the French Name. Adjust if desired.

This will display here:


Step 4: On the Entitlements tab, confirm the Display in is what you’d like to display in the card. Adjust it if desired; you can select either:

  • Units

  • Hours

Step 5: Review the Entitlement Icon and Entitlement Colour. Adjust them, if desired, then select OK.

Step 6: Repeat Steps 2 to 5 for each code you want to update.

How to Display Additional Information

You can display any relevant information you’d like to include on Available leave. You can create messages in English and French.


You can use HTML to format the text, but if you do, the information won’t display on Avanti Go. HTML cannot be supported on mobile apps. Be sure to remove the HTML formatting if you want the message displayed on Avanti Go.

Important Information
This information also displays in Available leave and Entitlements on ASSP. If you’re using these, updating these settings will impact what employees see there. 

If you don’t want to add or adjust the information displayed, skip to How to Add Available Leave and Time Off Requests.

Step 1: Open Administration Settings on ASSP and select Company Settings. 
By default, this can be found in Administration. 

Step 2: Enter EntitlementsSettings.DisclaimerText in the Search.


Step 3: Select Edit for EntitlementsSettings.DisclaimerText.


Step 4: In Value, enter the text you want to display when people access Available leave and Entitlements. Then select Save.

Additional Information
You can format the text using HTML. Be aware that if you use HTML formatting, the message won’t display on Avanti Go; HTML isn’t compatible on mobile apps. 

If you don’t have French enabled, skip to Step 7.

Step 5: Select Edit for EntitlementsSettings.DisclaimerTextFr.


Step 6: In Value, enter the text you’d like to display when people access Available leave and Entitlements in French. Then select Save.

Additional Information
You can format the text using HTML. Be aware that if you use HTML formatting, the message won’t display on Avanti Go. HTML isn’t compatible on mobile apps. 

Step 7: Select Reload Settings.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, you won’t see Reload Settings; your changes will take effect within 5 minutes.


How to Add Available Leave and Time Off Requests

Here’s how to add your chosen features. If only wanting Time off requests, skip to How to Add Time Off to the Mobile Menu.

How to Add Available Leave to the Mobile Menu

Now, you go through the final step of adding Available leave to the Mobile Menu.

Step 1: Select Display Update Menu in the Mobile Menu on the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Web Services >> Installation & Maintenance.


Additional Information
Once Display Update Menu is selected, an additional column, Update Menu, will display. The Update Menu
 displays all the available menu items.

Step 2: Available leave will be displayed in red on the Update Menu. Right-click on it and select Add New in Avanti Menu.


Step 3: If all your employees should see their Available leave on Avanti Go, skip to Step 8; otherwise, select Hide Update Menu.


Step 4:  Right-click on Available leave and select Modify if some employees shouldn’t see their Available leave.

Additional Information
These descriptions on Avanti Go cannot be changed. There’s no need to adjust Responsibilities since Available Leave is for employees to view; there’s nothing to insert, modify, or delete. 

Step 5: Select from the Selected column and click the arrow to move it to the Available column.


Step 6: Select a User Group with employees that should have access on the Available column and click the arrow to move it to the Selected Column.


Step 7: Repeat Step 6 until all the User Groups that should have access are in the Selected section.

Step 8: Once you have finished making changes to the mobile menu, select OK, then select OK to save your changes.


You’re all done! Employees can now see how much time off is available using Avanti Go.

How to Add Time Off to the Mobile Menu

Here’s how to add Time off to the Mobile Menu.

Important Information
When adding Time off to the Mobile Menu, you should only do so if employees are using Availability to enter time off and if they have time entry templates set up for Availability. 

If your employees enter time using units and units of measure for some of the Availability Types, but those fields aren’t on the template, you’ll need to add them to your Time Entry Template. If you don’t, employees will see an error and cannot add a request.

Step 1: Select Display Update Menu in the Mobile Menu on the Avanti Desktop.
By default, this can be found in Web Services >> Installation & Maintenance.


Additional Information
Once Display Update Menu is selected, an additional column, Update Menu, will display. The Update Menu
 displays all the available menu items.

Step 2: Time off will be displayed in red on the Update Menu. Right-click on it and select Add New in Avanti Menu.


Step 3: If all your employees are set up to use availability and have access to time entry templates, skip to Step 8; otherwise, select Hide Update Menu.


Step 4:  Right-click on Time off and select Modify if some employees shouldn’t see their Time off.

Additional Information
These descriptions on Avanti Go cannot be changed. There’s no need to adjust Responsibilities since Time off is for employees to view; there’s nothing to insert, modify, or delete. 

Step 5: Select from the Selected column and click the arrow to move it to the Available column.


Step 6: Select a User Group with employees that should have access on the Available column and click the arrow to move it to the Selected Column.


Step 7: Repeat Step 6 until all the User Groups that should have access are in the Selected section.

Step 8: Once you have finished making changes to the mobile menu, select OK, then select OK to save your changes.


Want to add even more features to Avanti Go? You can set up:

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