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Restricting Access to Qualifications

By restricting Subfunction Access, you’re in control of who has access to qualifications. Here, you can decide who has access to view, insert, modify, and delete these qualifications on ASSP and the Avanti Desktop:

  • Certificates 

  • Courses 

  • Formal Education

  • Licenses

  • Membership

  • Skills

While typically you’ll have some access already setup, but you may have to add it. Not sure if you have access already setup? Start with the How to Update Qualifications Access section below.

How to Update Qualification Access

Step 1: Open Subfunction Access in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in System Administration >> System Access Controls.


Step 2: Enter the function you’d like to change access to in Search, then select the Magnifying Glass.

  • Enter hr\mtcmcert to restrict access to Certificates.

  • Enter hr\mtettrnc to restrict access to Courses.

  • Enter hr\mtetform to restrict access to Formal Education.

  • Enter hr\mtcmlicn to restrict access to Licenses.

  • Enter hr\mtcmmemb to restrict access to Membership.

  • Enter hr\mtetskil to restrict access to Skills.


Step 3: Select it, then click Modify.

Additional Information
If no functions display, you’ll need to add it. Go to the How to Restrict Qualification Access 
section below.


Step 4: Set your desired Responsibility to Insert, Modify, Delete, and View the employees’ qualification.

  • A * grants access to all users.

  • Enter an A to restrict access the most. Only users with will have access.

  • Enter any other letter. Users with that letter will have access. Users with a letter between that level of access and A will also have access.

Additional Information
For example, if the Modify Responsibility is B, the user must have A or B access to modify an employee’s qualification. Go to Responsibilities 
for more information.


Step 5: Determine whether to restrict the ability to access employees’ qualifications by User Groups. If you’d like everyone to be able to view qualifications and there’s a * in Selected, skip to Step 9. Otherwise, continue to Step 6.


Additional Information 
Users who don’t have user group access can’t see or adjust an employee’s qualification.

Step 6: If you want to restrict access by user group and there’s a * in Selected, click the * and select the Arrow to move it to Available. Otherwise, continue to Step 7.


Step 7: Select a User Group with users you’d like to view the qualification, then select the Arrow to move it to Selected.

Additional Information
If you’d like everyone to have access regardless of their user group, move the * to Selected. For users to view and update their employees’ qualification, one of their User Groups must be in the Selected Column unless there’s a * in the Selected column. 

For more information on user groups, go to Avanti Security Overview: User Groups & Avanti Users.


Step 8: Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for each User Group with users you’d like to be able to view and update the employee’s qualification.

Step 9: Select OK.


Step 10: Repeat Steps 1 to 9 for each type of qualification you’d like to adjust access.

All set! The changes take effect once your users close and reopen Avanti Desktop.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, your changes will take effect on ASSP within 5 minutes.

How to Restrict Qualification Access

Step 1: Open Subfunction Access in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in System Administration >> System Access Controls.


Step 2: Select Insert.


Step 3: Select …, then enter the Function you’d like to restrict access to in Filter:

  • Enter hr\mtcmcert to restrict access to Certificates.

  • Enter hr\mtettrnc to restrict access to Courses.

  • Enter hr\mtetform to restrict access to Formal Education.

  • Enter hr\mtcmlicn to restrict access to Licenses.

  • Enter hr\mtcmmemb to restrict access to Membership.

  • Enter hr\mtetskil to restrict access to Skills.


Step 5: Set your desired Responsibility to Insert, Modify, View, and Delete the employees’ qualification.

  • A * grants access to all users.

  • Enter an A to restrict access the most. Only users with will have access.

  • Enter any other letter. Users with that letter will have access. Users with a letter between that level of access and A will also have access.

Additional Information
Responsibility levels range from A to Z, with A being the most restrictive. The user’s responsibility level is based on their assigned user groups. Go to Responsibilities for more information.

For example, if the Modify Responsibility is B, the user must have A or B access to modify an employee’s qualification.


Step 6: Determine whether to restrict the ability to access employees’ qualifications by User Groups.

Additional Information 
Users who don’t have user group access can’t see or adjust an employee’s qualification. 

  • If you want all users to access employees’ qualifications regardless of their User Group, skip to Step 10.

Step 7: Select *, then select the Arrow to move it to Available.


Step 8: Select a User Group with users you’d like to view the qualification, then select the Arrow to move it to Selected.

Additional Information
For users to view and update their employees’ qualification, one of their User Groups must be in the Selected Column unless there’s a * in the Selected column. A * in the Selected column grants access to all users.

For more information on user groups, go to Avanti Security Overview: User Groups & Avanti Users.


Step 9: Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for each User Group with users you’d like to be able to view and update the employee’s qualification.

Step 10: Select OK.


All set! The changes take effect once your users close and reopen Avanti Desktop.

Additional Information
If you’ve already moved to the latest ASSP
, your changes will take effect on ASSP within 5 minutes.

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