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Employee Profile: Master Earnings

Earning Codes and are listed on the Earnings > Earning Codes tab of the Employee Profile of each employee in what is called the Master Earnings list. Unless an Earning Code is overridden by a position, the rate for the employee will come from the Master list.

  • An Earning Code must be listed here in order for the employee to receive pay under that code.

  • The Rate, G/L, and any Effective or Expiry dates can be controlled from there.

Master Rate Source

When a Rate Source option is named Master it will come from the Base Earning Code from here.

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1The basic rate will be displayed with Base in the Active column.


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1The Code and matching description will be listed in the first two columns here.
2Any Effective and Expiry dates, and the state of the Code will be displayed here.
3The Rate will be displayed here, as well as any Rate Grids (if used).
4The G/L option or account and the Benefit Group are displayed here.


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1New Earning Codes can be added to the employee’s Master Earnings list by pressing Insert.
2Changes can be made to a selected Earning Code by pressing Modify.
3Earning Codes can be removed by pressing Delete.

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