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Check Out What's New in Avanti 24.9.1

Here’s all the latest changes included in Avanti 24.9.1.

Home Screen on Avanti Go

Jump to where you need all the faster with new Home Screen shortcuts. You can skip to Time off and Scheduling right from the Home Screen now.


Profile on Avanti Go

Take control of the information employees can modify in Profile on Avanti Go. For those allowing editing on Avanti Go, this will align it with the latest version of Personal Information on ASSP. If you are using an older version of Personal Information, check out Profile on Avanti Go Setup Guide.

Moving to the Latest

In October, we’ll be retiring some pages so that their new and improved versions can take their place. You’ll need to update to these new versions – which is why we have our transition guides! If you are already using the latest, you are good to go.

What’s all changing?

  • Personal Information

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Dependents

  • Compensation

Need a transition guide?

Non-binary Gender Option

More goodies for our non-binary pals. Admins and managers can select non-binary for gender on New Hire in ASSP.

New Report Sources Added to Report Designer

There are new report sources to assist with designing reports.

Employment Data Sources

Do you want to include more employee pay group info in your reports? Here’s two new report sources to help with that.

Employee Profile >> Employment Data:

  • Pay Group Business Name

  • Pay Group QC Employer Name

Break and Premium Override Report Sources

Do you have reports for Time Card Overrides? Here are six new report sources you may want to include in your reports.

Time Cards >> Break Overrides:

  • Break Rule Id

  • Break Rule Description

  • Break Rule Description Apply

Time Cards >> Premium Overrides:

  • Premium Rule Id

  • Break Rule Description

  • Apply


French Descriptions

We have even more French to make your organization more bilingual. French descriptions you previously made in Avanti Desktop will now appear in Applicant Management on ASSP.

Manage Requisitions

  • Applicants

  • Add Events in View Applicants

  • Documents

  • Details

Manage Applicants

  • Personal Info

  • Preferences

Career Connector’s Applicant Profile will also display French Descriptions.

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