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Create Tax Slip Transmission Files for CRA or RQ

Once you verify your tax slip data, you’re ready to create your transmission media, the XML files needed for the CRA or RQ submission to verify your annual remittances.

If you need to change the file after generating it, we recommend making changes within Avanti and recreating the file. Go to Modify and Add Employee Tax Slips for more information.

You can check out this video or read the article below to learn more. Although the video is from a past year, rest assured that the process remains the same.

This article will guide you through:

How to Make the File Selections

Step 1: In the Avanti Desktop Application, open the program for the tax slip file you are saving:

  • Generate T4 XML Data

  • Generate T4A XML Data

  • Generate RL-1 XML Data

  • Generate RL-2 XML Data

  • Generate NR4 XML Data

By default, these can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Generate Transmission Media.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select the correct Data Type:

  • Original file: Select to create your employee’s first tax slip of the year.

  • Amended file: Select to create a file for slips you’ve already made and need to replace.

  • Cancelled file: Select to create cancelled tax slips.

Additional Information
Are you creating Amended or Cancelled tax slips? Go to Amended Tax Slips, Cancelled T4/T4A, or Cancelled RL1/RL2 for more information.

Step 4: Update the Data file name if desired.

Additional Information
This is the name of the file stored within Avanti. All files created for submission will have the extension XML. Once created, you can view it in Maintain Tax Slip XML Data

Step 5: Update the Submission ID with a unique alphanumeric identifier of your choice.

Additional Information
This is only available if you are generating T4, T4A, or NR4 slips.

Step 6: Update the Source of RL1/RL2 if incorrect.

  • Ministere du Revenu: Select if your RL slips were obtained from Revenu Québec.

  • Third-party facsimile: Select if your RL slips are facsimiles obtained from a third party.

  • Facsimile: Select if your RL slips are facsimiles produced by the transmitter.

  • Combination of Above: Select if your RL slips are a combination of the options above.

Additional Information
This is only available if you’re generating RL-1 or RL-2 slips.

Step 7: Update the Sender Email if required.

Additional Information
This is only available if you’re generating RL-1 or RL-2 slips.

Step 8: Select the language for correspondence in Email Language.

Additional Information
This is only available if you are generating RL-1 or RL-2 data.

Step 9: Select which tax slip data you’d like included in the file from:

  • All: Select to have all employees in the file.

  • Created on or After: Select to include all employees with tax slips added after the date and time you specify.

  • Created After Last XML Generation Date: Select to include all employees with tax slips added after the last XML file was generated for their tax slip group.

Step 10: If you’re not regenerating for a tax slip group, select Show Only Not Generated.

Additional Information
If selected, only the tax slip groups without a file generated display.

Step 11: Select the Tax Slips Groups to include in the file.

Additional Information
Tax Slips are only created for employees in the selected tax slip groups.

How to Create the File

Step 1: Select OK once you’re ready to create the file.

Step 2: If you’ve already generated the file and indicated it’s transmitted, this message will display. To create a new file, go to the How to Remove the Transmitter Date section below.

Important Information
If you are creating a file for cancelled or amended tax slips, ensure you’ve selected correctly in Data Type. For more information, go to the How To Make the File Selections
 section above.

Step 3: If you’ve already generated the file and didn’t transmit it, this message displays.

Important Information
You should not replace the file if you’ve already submitted the file to the CRA or RQ. Please create an amended file unless a cancelled file must be created per CRA recommendation. Go to Amended Tax Slips, Cancelled T4/T4A, or Cancelled RL1/RL2
 for more information.

Step 4: Your transmitter file is created in Avanti. Determine whether you’d like to save a copy of the file to your network.

  • To save the file to your network, select Yes.

  • To save a file at a later time, select No. Congratulations! You’re all done creating your transmitter file.

Additional Information
Are you still reviewing your tax slips and don’t plan to submit them to the CRA or RQ right away? We recommend selecting No and saving the file once you’re ready to submit. This prevents the file from being accidentally changed.

Once you’re ready to create the file, go to the How to Save the File to Your Computer section below.

Step 5: Select OK.

Step 6: Navigate to the location you’d like to save the file.

Important Information
Please save the file to a secure location, as it contains confidential employee information.

Step 7: Update the File name.

Additional Information
Don’t forget to note the name and location of the file. It’ll be easier to find when uploading the file to the CRA or RQ.

Step 8: Select Save.

Step 9: Determine whether you’d like to update the transmitter date.

  • Select Yes to update the transmitter date with the current date and time.

  • Select No to leave the transmitter date blank.

Additional Information 
Setting the transmitter date will prevent accidentally overwriting the transmitter file in Avanti. You’ll need to remove the transmitter date before Avanti will replace this transmitter file.

Step 10: The results will display. Select Print to keep a copy for reference. From here, you can either print or save it as a file.

Congratulations! You’ve created the transmission file. You can transmit this to the CRA or RQ, once you’ve confirmed your tax slips are correct.

The next step in the tax slip process is Save Employee Tax Slips.

How to Save the File to Your Computer

Once you’re ready to submit your files to the CRA or RQ, you can save the file to your network.

Step 1: Open Maintain Tax Slip XML File in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Generate Transmission Media.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select the tax slip for the file you’d like to save, then select Modify.

Step 4: Select Export File.

Step 5: Navigate to the location you’d like to save the file, update the file name, and select Save.

Step 6: Determine whether you’d like to update the transmitter date.

  • Select Yes to update the transmitter date with the current date and time.

  • Select No to leave the transmitter date blank.

Additional Information 
Setting the transmitter date will prevent accidentally overwriting the transmitter file in Avanti. You’ll need to remove the transmitter date before Avanti will replace this transmitter file.

Step 7: Once results display select Print Results to keep a copy for reference. From here, print or save as a file.

Congratulations! You’ve created the transmission file. Congratulations! You’ve created the transmission file. You can transmit this to the CRA or RQ, once you’ve confirmed your tax slips are correct.

The next step in the tax slip process is Save Employee Tax Slips.

How to Remove the Transmitter Date

This section will guide you through removing the transmitted date from the file in Avanti. This needs to be done before the file can be deleted or replaced.

Important Information
You should not remove the transmitter date if you’ve already submitted the file to the CRA or RQ. Please either cancel or amend the tax slip instead. Go to Amended Tax Slips, Cancelled T4/T4A, or Cancelled RL1/RL2
 for more information.

Step 1: Open Maintain Tax Slip XML File in the Avanti Desktop Application.
By default, this can be found in Canadian Payroll >> Tax Slip Processing >> Generate Transmission Media.

Step 2: Select 2023 for Tax Year.

Step 3: Select the file you’d like to replace, then select Modify.

Step 4: Remove the Transmitted Date.

Step 5: Select OK.

Step 6: Go to the How to Make the File Selections section above to create your new file.

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